601: Captured

Reporting live from a quarter million miles out: Oof, it’s been a couple of minutes since I did one of these, hasn’t it? This is kind of a free-form ramble about everything – cats, life, more cats, a job I didn’t get, Marsquakes, shows, action figures, funky lights, and being in the same place all the time. Plus, the timeless wisdom of Apollo astronaut Ed Mitchell. (1:13:54)

Right-click here and “save as” if you want to save it to your infernal portable sound-emitting device.

Show notes page: https://www.thelogbook.com/thistape/601-captured/

Chalupa, Capybara, Chupacabra
I’ll explain later

Mars impact crater
One of these days, Mars, POW! The white stuff are pieces of subsurface ice excavated and scattered by the impact. How cool is that? Well, it’s ice, so the answer is: very cool.


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