Video Games

Intellivision introduced

IntellivisionAfter over a year of play testing and preparation, Mattel Electronics launches the first major competitor to the market-dominating Atari VCS video game console: Intellivision (short for “Intelligent Television”). Boasting superior graphics and a library of the first-ever licensed sports titles (though licensed by various pro sports leagues, rather than by specific teams or individuals), Intellivision is well-poised to enter a market where sports games are all-important.

More about Intellivision in Phosphor Dot Fossils

Movies Star Trek

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star TrekAfter a tortured development history dating back to aborted early 1970s attempts to relaunch Star Trek on the big screen, Paramount premieres the much-anticipated (and much hyped) Star Trek: The Motion Picture in theaters. At over two hours, and boasting one of Jerry Goldsmith’s best movie scores, the movie bewilders viewers as much as it thrills them. Paramount claims not to make a profit on the movie at all – primarily by including all of the development costs of years of early movie attempts and the never-made Star Trek Phase II television series as part of the movie’s price tag – but, despite its assertion that the movie lost money, the studio begins making plans for a sequel.

More about Star Trek movies in the LogBook

Radio & Audio

Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: Episode 7

Hitchhiker's Guide To The GalaxyThe seventh episode of Douglas Adams’ breakthrough radio science fiction comedy series The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is first broadcast on BBC Radio, initiating the second series of the now-hit cult science fiction phenomenon, the rest of which won’t be broadcast until the following month. This episode serves as a kind of Hitchhiker’s holiday special as a result. (Some elements of the second radio series will go on to form the basis of Adams’ novel The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe.)

More about The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy in the LogBook