Star Trek Television

Paramount announces network, new Trek

UPNParamount formally announces its plans to start the fifth American television network, currently named simply The Paramount Network; at the time of the announcement, only one series – Star Trek: Voyager – is promoted to the press, though the show is still in the earliest stages of development. After an agreement is made to turn the new network into a joint venture with Chris-Craft subsidiary United Television (whose stations will become part of the new network), the network is eventually renamed the United Paramount Network, or UPN. It will be Paramount’s third attempt at launching its own network, after the short-lived late ’40s/early ’50s Paramount Network and an aborted attempt to launch the Paramount Television Service (whose schedule was also to be anchored by a new Star Trek series) in the late ’70s.

More about Star Trek: Voyager in the LogBook

Star Trek Television

Playmates goes Trek-crazy

Mr. SpockHaving successfully kicked off a series of action figures and other toys based on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Playmates Toys goes into the 1993 Christmas season with a product that sends longtime Trek fans salivating: a box set of the complete Enterprise bridge crew from classic Star Trek, packaged in a cardboard replica of the bridge complete with captain’s chair, in the same scale as the growing lineup of TNG characters. With toys based on the relatively new Deep Space Nine spinoff on the horizon in 1994, it’s suddenly the best time ever to be a Star Trek toy collector.

More about Playmates Star Trek toys in ToyBox