...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff

I can verify that this is indeed what he’s talking about

What are THEY talking about?Little E’s new phrase this weekend was “THAT’S what I’M talking about!” Driving home from school Friday, going to the store yesterday… everything was “THAT’S what I’M talking about!” On Sunday, driving to the store, he said it three times in a row about three different things, and then he paused.

“Dad! I’m talking about A LOT OF STUFF!”

I had no response other than “Well, THAT’S what I’M talking about!”

We then proceeded to try to run groceries out to the car in a freakin’ monsoon downpour that proceeded to turn into a hailstorm right on top of us. Even though we couldn’t see two feet in front of us, we raced to the car, which I unlocked by remote and pretty much shoved him into before he took any more troposherically-launched ice pellets to the head. (Speaking as someone who’s been hit by goofball-sized hail before, I can attest to the fact that it hurts.)

After loading the (already soaked) groceries into the car, and still putting the cart in the corral despite the downpour, I slogged my soaked-to-the-bone ass into the driver’s seat, where I landed with a big wet splat. I guess I wasn’t aware of how scary it had been for the little guy.

“THAT’S what I’M talkin’ about!” I said.

“Dad, that’s not what I was talking about,” he said in a small voice. Poor little guy. The whole “that’s what I’m talking about” gag died then and there.

The good news is that I think I’ve finally dried out.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff

…and the Man with the Yellow Hat couldn’t make bail.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz presents...Little E has a Curious George book in which George finds himself in a dunk tank after causing both hijinks and shennanigans at a charity pancake breakfast.

Except that daddy was really tired and George wound up in the drunk tank. That’s a little hard to explain, and I laughed my ass off for the rest of the story without succumbing to the temptation to explain how George keeps a hip flask of a little somethin’ somethin’ to wash down all those pancakes, and was now over the legal limit.

I guess you had to be there. Always read with your child, folks – great moments in parenting!… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 And Beyond The Infinite

Wave at Saturn!

Saturn itselfToday was the day everyone on Earth was supposed to wave at the planet Saturn, low on the eastern horizon in the afternoon. Way out there at Saturn, the Cassini space probe is looking back this way as Saturn eclipses the sun, and the pictures it takes during this event – while Saturn is blocking out the direct light of the sun from Cassini’s vantage point – should show Earth as a tiny bright-blue half-pixel reflecting the sun’s light.

Since it was clouded over and trying to rain on us, we made our own Saturn out of a styrofoam ball, with paper clips holding up a somewhat floppy construction-paper ring. Obviously, Douglas Trumbull isn’t quaking in his boots. … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Gaming ToyBox

Pooka Procurement Paradox: SOLVED

Pooka!For better or worse, my son has grown up in a microcosm, a bit of a fantasy-land already created by his daddy long before he came along, in which video games have related toys and memorabilia that go with them. He got hooked on Mario, and boom, instant Mario figure collection (which has kept growing, incidentally – I suppose I started him young in this department)). He got hooked on Sonic, and boom, Sonic and Tails and friends arrive in plush form (he was more interested in plushies than in action figures). Pac-Man? No problem. There’a a pac for that. (Please don’t tell him that there are toys coming out for Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures.) But Dig Dug? Not so easy. There’s an insanely expensive plushie available directly from Namco ($30??!?), and as much as he’d like it… we’re a little strapped for cash. So I challenged him to make his own. I would provide supplies for him.

Wanna see the prototype Pooka he came up with? … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3

Eat it, Einstein!

The mice were furiousAs my five-year-old son and I walked laps around the park today, he suddenly went into great detail, with no prompting from me (and I have no idea where any of this came from), about building a mouse trap with “four-dimensional pillows.”

I pressed him for details on how this would work, and where the pillows would come from, and how, precisely, they would meet the definition of being “four-dimensional,” but was incapable of getting any more information out of him.

You’re welcome, future. The twilight of mouse-kind begins.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Gaming

Boys’ day out!

This was a blog entry from a couple of weekends ago that sat unfinished for an unreasonable amount of time – so long, in fact, that we went a second time before the entry was finished! The good news is that the games described are still there!

Mom’s exhausted. The boy’s ready to get out of the house, having been stuck at home with dad for a few days with no car to go anywhere. I’m feeling a little cooped up myself. It’s time to let mom get some shut-eye and for the boys to do what they do best – find a place full of games and hang out! You can probably see where this is headed…

Hobby BopperRead more

...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff Home Base

Something fishy about this story

Glub glubI’ve got some fish in the oven with some seasoning that I whipped up with a recipe as a starting point and just a little bit of “I don’t have that ingredient, so let’s throw in a bunch of other stuff” improvisation. I wrote down the mixture in case it works out well. If it doesn’t work out well and is borderline inedible… well… five cats. You work it out for yourself.

Anyway, Little E was asking me about what I was preparing for dinner, and the following conversation took place:

E: What kind of fish is that?
ME: It’s called swai.
E: Why is it called that?
ME: I don’t know. Maybe because it’s gonna be really tasty, that swai! [“that’s why!”]

Even the Mrs. laughed from across the house. Little E decided he wanted hot dogs instead. *shrug* MORE NOMS FOR MOM!

Cooking and comedy while you wait. Now, it remains to be seen if I could go pro at either one, so probably best if I contain this deadly combination to the safe confines of my house. Pity my wife and child. (And, if the seasoning mix isn’t particularly sound, my cats.)… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3

I used to bulls-eye Yoshis back home in Beggars’ Canyon

He's switched his computer offAfter I’d put Little E to bed tonight, I could’ve sworn I heard him talking like he was lecturing somebody with utmost seriousness. I had allowed him to pick his bedtime music as a “completed chore” reward, so of course he’d picked the Star Wars soundtrack. But what the heck was all this talking? Who was he wheeling and dealing with?

I went around the corner, and boy, did I find out. … Read more