...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff

The smell of FEAR

2 min read

So E has had some mild issues with a few developing phobias, so I looked this up on Youtube to introduce him to the mother of all my childhood phobias, the Federal Systems Thunderbolt civil defense siren, and played it good and LOUD for him while telling him how one of these used to scare that crap and many unspeakable crap byproducts out of me when I was just a little older than him (but not by much), and how I briefly joined the school safety patrol in sixth grade because my mother thought I should stand RIGHT NEXT to the damned thing to get over my fear of the merest of possibilities that it might go off while I’m standing under it or just looking at it. I told him how these were first deployed in 1953 or so – probably right around the time my now-assimilated-by-the-UAFS-Borg elementary school was built – and had another setting – rising and falling tones – which were usually reserved for nuclear attack. Then I told him about growing up during the Cold War. I explained to him that, to be less scared of all of these things, I read about tornadoes and sirens and, yes, even Da Bomb, so I could better judge when it’s time to be really scared.

And there was a long silence.

And then he said “But Dad, none of THAT is SCARY. BUGS ARE.

I really wish I was him sometimes.

Feast now upon the song of my childhood nightmares!

Next question: who in the flaming f#$& buys a retired tornado siren and PUTS IT RIGHT OUTSIDE THE BACK DOOR? I guarantee you the only reason that glass door doesn’t end up in pieces is because he’s got a heap of blankets stuffed down the horn. These things used to kill any birds that would nest in the horns.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff

Tales from the mind of the boy

MagillaGorillaZillaYesterday afternoon, I asked my son how his school day had gone when I picked him up from school.

He proceeded to tell me that a dragon who eats nothing but computers had eaten all the computers in town, but that he could make a new computer, out of nothing but Cheez-Its, that would run on AA batteries, for an R&D budget of “four hundred and fifty-six pooty-butt dollars”* and this would stop the dragon.

Before I could even work out an exchange rate, I was informed that, after it had “sucked 80 guards into its tummy,” the dragon was slain by one guard with a giant sword. Also, he got almost all of his work done before recess, and did more work after recess to make up for the fact that we were stranded by ice on Tuesday and couldn’t make it off the hill.

I love my kid. 😆

* Go on, laugh. The government would waste many more pooty-butt dollars on this research and you know it.Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters Home Base

A nice warm day

You have no idea how much a nice warm day – and by “warm” I mean “65 degrees with a pretty good wind so we’re probably talking about 62 tops” – is welcome after several weeks of near-constant snow and ice. Since the beginning of the year one could be excused for thinking we’ve gone through more icing than a cake shop. Anyway, the cumulative effect of a relatively nice warm day was… happy faces.

Nice dayRead more

...And Little E Makes 3 Gaming

Have fun storming the arcade!

It’s almost Christmas, the boy is on break, I’m mentally fried from this new job that I have, and mom is in a mood to blow things up. To help keep mom within the confines of the law, and to assist her in the blowing up of things, we all piled into the vehiclemobile and set out to conquer a place we haven’t visited in far too long – Arkadia Retrocade!

Arkadia RetrocadeRead more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters

Happy rescue day, Obi Cat!

Seven years ago, this klutzy kitten wandered into the yard, and to the amazement of all involved, Xena didn’t chase him away.


Later that day, completely unrelated to the arrival of the cat, terrible things happened. We had a vacancy. Obi braved the skeptical black cat and stepped into the breach. … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters Funny Stuff

The whole world is going nyeeeeehhhhhh!

So me and the boy got home. Gabby the dog decided to hop in the car the moment the door opened to start dispensing dog kisses. AND THEN REALITY BEGAN TO COLLAPSE AROUND US AND THE LAWS OF NATURE NO LONGER APPLIED.

Salvador Dogli

Actually, what you’re seeing here is dog in motion + kid’s hand in motion + kid and dog jostling me from different directions. Reality is intact, my dog is not made of wavy gravy and my kid’s hands don’t look like the hands of the aliens in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. (Bummer, right?)… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3

“Dad, are some people born to be bad?”

I try not to clog my blog with lots of reminders about how amazingly smart my kid is, but we had a discussion today about – basically – free will and determinism. Now, before you worry too much, I think there were also some mentions of Kirby and Nyan Cat in there, but… yeah. That conversation happened. With my five year old. A five year old capable of handling philosophical abstracts that I almost have to stop the car and pull over so I can take a moment to formulate a cogent response.

My answer? Who we are is determined by what we are taught and how we are raised, what happens to us and around us, and how we decide to respond to all of the above. No one is born bad or evil. If more people would respond to what happens to and around them with grace, dignity, fairness and compassion, and an understanding that consequences follow any decision – even good ones – the world might be a better place.

And the thing is… he understands this. Hey, this kid has been raised by me. He has vocabulary.

Then we got back to discussing which of our cats could by Nyan Cat in real life. Let’s see… a cat who flies through the air farting rainbows, with a pop tart around its neck? I think there’s really only one answer.… Read more