Vid-e-o, ooh, play it one more time on…*

Ah, fun. I’ve discovered yet another new capability in WordPress: video! As anyone who’s been watching the eyeballs pop up in Phosphor Dot Fossils lately has no doubt noticed, I’ve become very fond of Flash video. I work in an audiovisual medium, you see, so while I enjoy writing – I love it, really – I also have one foot in these other media. Now, thanks to an insanely handy WordPress plug-in called Kimili Flash Embed, I can even throw video at you in my blawg.
Now, I’m still a believer in being bandwidth-friendly, so any video I chuck at you in Scribblings will be on a “static page.” That’s something which is kept separate from actual blog postings and comments in the database, and I’ve already added three gems from my archive for you to look at. I may do some actual video blogging in the future – but if I do, it will always be an option, not something that’s stuffed into a blog entry (even though that capability exists) where anyone who comes here has to see it.
* with apologies to Jeff Lynne.

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  1. 1

    Oh yes, you are right,I love Flash video too.Its so amazing and sometimes charming.It impressed so much that i have decided making Flash videoes myself.Its so interesting, of couse sometimes i face difficulties, but anyway i love it:) And special thanks to where i have found many proggies that helps me much!

  2. 3

    I’ve been using a program called Sorenson Squeeze, which has to be one of the most useful things I’ve seen on a computer in the past five years. Basically, it can take an MPEG, Quicktime, AVI, or just about any other kind of video file you like, and it can output them all as any kind of video file as well, though its specialty is of course “squeezing” them into Flash movies. It’s a bit pricey, but I can’t recommend it highly enough.

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