And he’d already have a cat buddy nicknamed Obi-Wan…

For all of about 60 seconds last night, we were hemming and hawing over the possibility of Ewan as a baby name, and then it was back to Evan. The only problem there was simply that, like Ellison (remember, that name where I was the only one who liked it), nobody would be able to disassociate it from, well, someone else in particular.

I have to recant a bit on a pet hate of mine – my wife has actually gotten me semi-hooked on a reality show, in this case Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch, or, as I call it because I can’t believe I’m actually tuning in on a regular basis for a reality show, That Damn Crab Show. I got to thinking about it the other night – as much as they go on and on and on about how these king crab fishermen who brave the Bering Strait are paid kingly amounts of money for all that crab…I wonder how much Discovery Channel is paying the photogs who are tagging along with them, getting in the way, and getting their gear soaked on a routine basis? At least the poor bastards accustomed to working on deck know what to do when some whacking great rogue wave knocks the ship on its side. What in the world do you do when you’re just standing around on the slippery deck with a $25,000 camera to hold onto and not much else? There are some jobs you couldn’t even pay me enough for.

And speaking of crab meat and danger, let’s talk Lost.

I think we’ve neatly turned the last season finale’s hint that Desmond’s long lost love was looking for him right on its ear by now. Okay, actually, I think we’ve knocked it flat on its ass and we’re kicking it repeatedly in the ribs.

Which is kinda what I’d like somebody to do to Locke. Yes, he was manipulated himself, but he’s proving to be just as adept at some really shady psychological maneuvering as Ben is – perhaps even moreso. I never thought I’d say it, but poor Sawyer – he was cornered into a position where you almost knew he’d do what he wound up doing. And I don’t think he really got much vindication from it. Now, what I’d really like to get zinged with sometime in the last few episodes is some character releationship that the fans haven’t pieced together from the available clues. Between this and the episode that revealed that Jack and Claire are related, it’s almost like “yeah, yeah, you were right.”

Oh, and I think one big piece of information was just casually glossed over that’ll wind up biting us on the ass by the end of this season. Am I the only person who’s thinking that Rousseau + dynamite = not a good idea? They’re both spectacularly unstable. 😆 For some reason, a little echo of Mira Furlan saying “if you value your lives, be somewhere else” keeps playing in the back of my head. There are times when she almost scares me more than the Others.

Then again, cancel that. She’s not the one demanding a ritual sacrifice. WTF, Ben?!?

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