Cooking With Code Gaming ToyBox

Random notes of infintesimal importance

Sorry about my radio silence this week. I’ve been spending more time than is conducive to sanity policing the Digital Press forums, which seem to explode with crazies that scream out for a ban (sometimes quite literally) this time every year. All I can figure is that school’s out – and judging by this year’s material so far, I’m going to say between the fourth and tenth grades – and these kids have nothing to do. You’d think if they were going to DP, maybe they’d spend some of their summer hours, oh, I don’t know, PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. Sheesh. Send the little gits my way, they can mow my lawn, and I’ll stay inside and play video games, how’s that? Oy vey. Some people’s kids.

Hopefully everyone digs the redesigned music review section. For an encore, I’m doing my level best to revamp the entire toy section by Flag Day! It’s madness, I tell you, madness! I’ve been dragging out copious quantities of action figures and re-photographing them lately, pulling each one out of their individual Star Cases (we’re talking the little mini ones that are big enough to accomodate one loose figure), taking a couple of pictures and then putting them back away, consciously aware in the back of my mind that this may be the last time these things come out to play before there’s a little boy running around the house. I’d say it’s like one last quick jog through my childhood, except that the stuff I’m taking new pictures of is all stuff that I’ve collected long since I passed the age where one’s expected to get rid of all one’s action figures. The toy section also has a finite number of articles to port over into the database from the old HTML pages; nothing on the order of hundreds and hundreds of music reviews. So I see it as a Feasible Task.

Speaking of staying inside and playing video games, I just got my copy of Stella Gets A New Brain, so maybe I can squeeze some 2600/Supercharger lovin’ into my near future.

I’ll alert the media the moment I have anything of substance to say here. 🙂 … Read more