Television & Movies

More Star Wars? Oh hell yeah.

Artoo Detoo, where are you?So help me God, I’m going to point you to an article on for the first and only time ever. George Lucas is doing more Star Wars, but this time as a couple of TV movies – though I wonder if these won’t morph into the new trend of “direct to DVD movies which get a broadcast window immediately before their DVD release”, a la the upcoming Galactica movie.

And while I know that “received popular opinion,” as I like to call it, has decided that the Star Wars prequels were crap, I’m up for more. I was underwhelmed with a few elements of Episode II, but was almost completely happy with I and III. I love this idea. I love that I might be able to sit down with my son and watch some new stories unfold in that universe, not something that I’ve seen a zillion times and analyzed to death while he’s just seeing it for the first time. Something new to both of us.

Even if it takes, oh, say, four years from this September…well, hey, that was good enough for me when I was four years old.

Rock on, George.… Read more

Gaming Home Base

Game room redux

My garage-sale-hopping this weekend didn’t produce any games, but I did spend all of $13 on some decent shelves and some baby clothes. Shelves are a good thing: basically, everything of mine that’s in the little bedroom has got to come out of there to make way for baby. That means tons of books, more than a few knick-knacks, boxes full of stuff that’s just been stored in there…and quite a bit of it will probably get tossed out, or set aside for a yard sale of our own that I hope we’ll have the time and energy to hold between now and baby time. So I’ve got my eyes open for storage solutions for the stuff I don’t want to toss.

These two shelves aren’t a bad start.

Earl's game roomRead more