Mr. Relson comes to Arkansas

Just saw this on

Mike Nelson will be delivering a lecture at the Donald W. Reynolds Campus and Community Center on the campus of Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia, AR on October 31, 2006 (Halloween). The lecture is scheduled for 7:00 pm, and there will be an autograph signing session afterward. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend.
Visit for more info about the Center.

I don’t make it a habit of rushing off to see celebrities and get autographs, but for Mr. Relson, I just might do it.

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  1. 1
    Steve W

    I’ve always thought it was weird that he doesn’t have a lot of gigs with the rest of the MST3K gang. There was a Star Wars documentary where Joel, Trace, and Josh Weinstein (Dr. Eckhart from the 1st season) did a guest commentary track on. And they were all (except for Mike) working on that computer game Darkstar that still hasn’t seen the light of day, even though it was supposed to be out years ago. A lot of MST people tend to work together, but Nelson does a lot of stuff alone, like commentary tracks for Reefer Madness and writing books. He doesn’t seem to work with anyone else from the show anymore. Odd.

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