
14 hours and counting to something that could be really cool. If you want to know more…well…um…be back here in a little over 14 hours.
theLogBook.comFor those who hit my blog without frequenting the rest of the site, I put a major redesign of the site’s main page into place that I’m quite happy with. It still needs some minor tweakage, but overall I’m very happy with it. Just one step closer to making the whole site easier to maintain.
I got some decent gaming time in on Sunday night after a tiring day on the farm (there’s nothing like getting stranded in the barn with a bunch of spooked horses when a monsoon breaks out right on top of you). I played a bit of Rogue Squadron II on the ‘cube and then, after getting my ass thoroughly kicked by that game, decided instead that I wanted to get my ass kicked by Katamari Damacy instead. I haven’t done a lot of gaming over the past 2-3 months, so I’m a little rusty. OK, maybe I’m underselling it there – I’m a big rusty. (I didn’t feel too bad; my wife was sitting in the same room, utterly failing to conquer the universe in Master Of Orion 2. Still, I suppose it’s one thing to get mowed down by vast forces arrayed against you from across the galaxy, and quite another to get mowed down by a ball of thumbtacks, erasers, caramels and assorted household and food items.
14 hours… 14 hours…

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