Live simulcast

Wahey, look, I’m on Livejournal now.
Actually, I’m not planning to live here. But some friends of mine have been telling me I need to get with the program and try some of these social networking shenannigans.
Would it be utterly antisocial to just direct you toward the blog I run on my own site? Quite possibly. Actually, I’m posting this as a test of an add-on module to my blogware over there that will update this blog too, kind of automagically. It’s hard enough for me to (A) find the time to make a blog entry to begin with, (2) make it somewhat coherent and, well, not-sucky, and (iii) then turn around and cut-and-paste these all-too-infrequent miracles of blogitude to a bunch of different places.
Hopefully that makes some kind of sense. So in other words: social networking = I’ll give it a shot, but I’m not exactly diving in head first. Or feet first. I’m wading in. With a sort of inflatable thing bearing only a very slight resemblance to a disfigured duck attached to me to keep me afloat.
Now let’s see how this works.
(Edit: Wow, it works better than I expected, even directs folks back to my real blog for comments. Perfect. Special thanks to Evan Broder for the WordPress-to-Livejournal crossposter plug-in. That’s really cool!)

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  1. 2

    Ditto here. Although I have a bokmark for the scribblings, it is sooo much easier to view the blogs on one friends list instead of having to click on multiple bookmarks.
    Now if oly I could get that kind of convenience from the mysace blogs…

  2. 3

    Unless someone comes up with a rock-solid WordPress-to-Myspace interface, I just can’t myself bothering with it. I know it could be used as a means of promoting my web site and various other endeavours, but the inherent clutter of Myspace just leaves me with an overpowering feeling of “meh.”
    The good news is that Livejournal looks like someplace that needs a lot more kitten pictures. I am here to fill that need.

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