Christmas Kitties

Christmas 2005 has come and gone, and I got some neat stuff, a belly full of food, and some good family time out of the deal. But I know you don’t want to hear about that stuff. You wanna hear the latest cat gossip. I took about half an hour to go out to the hay barn, where the Barn Kitties live at my sister-in-law’s place, to catch up with an old friend.
Sammy Cat!
It’s Sampson! Though a bit shy at first, Sammy Cat seemed to remember me after smelling my hands, and he was more than happy to renew our friendship and let me sit in the nice windbreak of hay bales with he and his new family…
Sampson and Mini-Me
Sampson has an important job at his new home – he helps to protect the next generation of Barn Kitties from predators and their own curiosity, among other things. Here’s one of his little friends – I don’t know this kitten’s name, but I called him “Mini-Me” because he’s like a tiny Sampson.
Here are some of Sampson’s other babysitting charges.
If this isn’t one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen, it’s official: you have no soul.
Sammy Cat Belly Rub Attack!
I managed to sneak in a Sammy Cat Belly Rub Attack while he was watching the kittens. The babies seemed to find it very amusing.
Sampson then excused himself to clean the hay off of his back where he rolled around for the belly rub, and one of the kittens thought they’d sneak up on Sampson and surprise him. Believe it or not, this is an absolutely unedited, unaltered still – Sampson is skilled in the martial art of kat fu and quickly put his student in his place.
Kat-Fu: The Legend Continues!
It’s kinda like the cat version of the Matrix. I tried to walk away with Sampson curled around my shoulder, but the kittens started protesting quite loudly, and Sammy Cat indicated that he wanted me to put him down so he could resume his watch. My little kitty pal has become quite a brave cat.
Kitty Kids
Well, it is a child seat, and they are children…y’know, I just wanted to bring all of them home with me.
South Park cookies
Hidey-ho!Best. Cookies. Ever. A friend of mine hand-made these South Park cookies, including Mr. Hankey, the disturbingly tasty Christmas Poo, for my wife and I. My niece helped us devour Cartman. That in and of itself is disturbing too, if you think about it…
More about cookies and marathon Scrabble sessions and presents tomorrow. And hopefully I’ll have some heart-meltingly cute kitty video ready to show you as well.

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  1. 1

    Ooh, cute pics of the kittens!!!! They look adorable. And Sampson has become a handsome cat alright. At first, when you mentioned his “new family”, I thought you meant that he hooked up with a nice dark, striped kitty and became a dad…
    Oh, and regarding the South Park cookies: who killed Kenny? 😉
    Merry belated Christmas (and happy boxing day…)!

  2. 2

    We bastards ate Kenny, just FYI. 😉
    I don’t know if Sampson has been “fixed” or not, so perhaps at some point in the future the farm will be overrun with little Sammy Cats. I don’t know who the real daddy is, but Mini-Me looks like a chip off the ol’ block!

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