Space: Above And Beyond

Choice or Chance

Space: Above And BeyondThe Kazbek raid has ended in a shambles, with the 58th’s Chig ship escape pod setting down on the planet itself. Everyone except McQueen and Hawkes is captured by what appear to be AIs, one of whom claims that the human race encroached on Chig space first, not the other way around. West is hauled off to a labor camp, where he sees Kylen. Meanwhile, the Saratoga is closing in on Kazbek…but even if Ross manages to retrieve his wayward soldiers, their spirits may be broken by AI torture.

Order the DVDwritten by Steven Zito
directed by Felix Alcala
music by Shirley Walker

Guest Cast: Michael Mantell (Howard Sewell), David Gardner (Klein)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

Our Man Bashir

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Bashir is indulging in a holosuite program in which he is a glamorous British superspy on 1960’s Earth, when he is joined by an uninvited guest – Garak. Meanwhile, the Runabout Orinoco is returning from a conference, with Sisko, Kira, Dax, Worf, and O’Brien aboard, when it explodes due to sabotage. The Ops transporter is damaged while beaming them off, but Odo and Eddington manage to store the patterns…in Bashir’s holo- program, it turns out, where Bashir is startled to find the characters replaced by the images of the missing officers. While Eddington, Odo, and Rom figure out how to reintegrate their physical and neural patterns, Bashir must make sure the holosuite computer doesn’t kill them off as part of his fantasy.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Robert Gillan
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Max Grodenchik (Rom), Kenneth Marshall (Eddington), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Melissa Young (Caprice), Marci Brickhouse (Mona Luvsitt)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 02 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: While buying tellerium on a planetary black market, a landing party is attacked by the Mokran police force. While Tuvok and Torres are taken into custody, Janeway is hidden by a member of the Alsurian resistance. Caylem is a tired old man who has been completely unstrung by the deaths of his wife and daughter in the struggle against the Mokra. In his sorrow, he believes that Janeway is his daughter and leads her into the heart of the Mokran defenses.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Lisa Klink
story by Michael Jan Friedman and Kevin J. Ryan
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway), Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Roxann Biggs-Dawson (B’Elanna Torres), Jennifer Lien (Kes), Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim), Joel Grey (Caylem), Alan Scarfe (Third Magistrate Augris), Tom Todoroff (Darod), Glenn Morshower (Mokran Guard)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

Passing Through Gethsemane

Babylon 5Kosh returns from the Vorlon homeworld with Lyta Alexander in tow. She informs the command staff that she will be working on the ambassador’s behalf, but can not tell them anything about what she has seen. She also does not tell them that she has been physically modified to be able to survive in the Vorlons’ preferred atmosphere.

One of Brother Theo’s monks, Brother Edward, is surprised to find a black rose hidden in his bag and the words “death walks among you” written on his wall, in blood. He is even more susprised when he shows the wall to Garibaldi, and the words are nowhere to be found. He goes on with his work and interviews Delenn and Lennier about Minbari belief systems. Soon after, he is overcome by visions of a violent murder. He searches the station database for clues, and soon discovers that he was once a murderer, sentenced to the death of personality. Edward believes his soul still bears the guilt of the actions he committed. So do the families of his victims, and they have come to Babylon 5 to seek justice. Brother Theo asks Sheridan to help Edward, but Edward may not want to be saved.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Adam Nimoy
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Brad Dourif (Brother Edward), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Louis Turenne (Brother Theo), Robert Keith (Malcolm), Lynn Blades (News Anchor #2), Natalie Brunt (Business Person), Ardwight Chamberlain (Kosh), Mark Folger (Centauri), Steven Gonzales (News Anchor #1)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Nowhere Man

It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life

Nowhere ManVeil is stunned when he is tracked down by federal agents who, for once, seem to be on his side. He gives a sworn statement about his activities over the past several months, and learns who the conspirators are and why they seem to be so intent on destroying him. Veil is taken back to his wife and his mother, both safe and sound, but is growing wary of the all-too-convenient twist of events. In the end, his suspicions prove to be worthwhile.

Order the DVDswritten by Lawrence Herzog
directed by Tim Hunter
music by Mark Snow

Cast: Bruce Greenwood (Thomas Veil), Megan Gallagher (Alyson Veil), Mary Gregory (Mrs. Veil), Carol Huston (Sandra Wilson), Willie C. Carpenter (Rick), W. Earl Brown (Roy)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Space: Above And Beyond

Stay With The Dead

Space: Above And BeyondNathan West is returned to the Saratoga, the rest of his squadron missing and presumed dead. Despite offers of therapy and repeated evidence to the contrary, West insists that the rest of the 58th is alive and well and needs his help. But the ship’s doctors have other ideas – namely, a radical therapy which will return him to duty at the cost of erasing every memory he has of his teammates. And if they are, as he insists, still out there, they certainly won’t be for long if their only hope of rescue has no memory of them.

Order the DVDwritten by Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer
directed by Thomas J. Wright
music by Shirley Walker

Guest Cast: Edmund L. Shaff (Chaplain)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

1984-95: Heisei Series Godzilla

Godzilla vs. Destroyah

GodzillaGodzilla, with his chest glowing red hot, surfaces at Hong Kong. He destroys the harbor area, and returns to the ocean, creating massive amounts of steam. Godzilla is overheating. It’s quite likely an explosion of Godzilla caused by the nuclear fission taking place in his body could destroy the world.

A scientist has developed “micro-oxygen” with plans to use it to end world hunger. But it also turns out to be very similar in composition to the oxygen destroyer developed by Dr. Serizawa when battling Godzilla in the mid 1950s. Plans are made to use the new research to find a way to kill Godzilla.

A fish kill at a Tokyo museum is determined to have been caused by pre-historic microorganisms that reacted to the original oxygen destroyer. Several have now grown over ten feet tall and are infesting an industrial area. They look like giant ticks with long necks, and can emit a destructive heat beam from their mouths. With great loss of life, a Special Forces unit destroys some of the creatures, but is overwhelmed

Godzilla arrives in Tokyo, and is heading toward a nuclear power plant, in an attempt to get more fuel to feed the fission that is also killing him. G-Force dispatches the Super-X III against the King of the Monsters. They encounter Godzilla in Tokyo Bay and use freeze weapons to cool him down. The threat of explosion has been eliminated. Once he thaws out, Godzilla heads back out to sea.

Little Godzilla has grown substantially, and now resembles Godzilla, only shorter. It’s moving toward the Bering Sea, with Godzilla following. But Godzilla’s temperature is rising again. This time, though, instead of exploding, he would melt down, burning to and destroying the core of the Earth.

Several of the Destroyah break out of the industrial facility, and combine into one giant monster. It easily destroys the military units surrounding it and flies off. A reluctant Migi Saegusa agrees to use her psi powers to draw Little Godzilla to Destroyah. The plan is to use Destroyah’s oxygen destroying capabilities to eliminate Godzilla before he can melt down. Destroyah and Little Godzilla converge in downtown Tokyo.

Little Godzilla is taking a beating. Destroyah has him on the ground and is inserting micro-oxygen into the Little Godzilla, weakening him. Little Godzilla uses his nuclear breath to blast Destroyah off him. Godzilla, burning and smoking, arrives in Tokyo. He meets up with his younger name-sake.

Destroyah, emerges from a burning area of the city, mutated and much larger than before. Meanwhile, Godzilla’s temperature continues to increase. The Super X III is again sent to try to chill him down. Destroyah flies in and snatches Little Godzilla, dropping beast into a building and then blasting at it, killing Little Godzilla.

Destroyah and Godzilla face off. Destroyah gets the upper hand, and drags the other monster into the bay. Godzilla picks himself up and makes his way to the body of Little Godzilla. But Destroyah stands in his way. With his body overheating from the extra energy, Godzilla blasts at Destroyah several times. Destroyah dissaembles itself into several smaller monsters, but Godzilla smashes them.

Godzilla again moves toward Little Godzilla. Super X III approaches Godzilla. The King of the Monsters bends down to transfer some of his life energy to the younger creature, but is interrupted by another attack by Destroyah. Using its tail, it lassos Godzilla and throws him aside. Godzilla is beginning to melt down, emitting concentric bands of energy as he does so. To keep Destroyah from escaping, G-Force units blast at it with freeze weapons, causing it to crash to the ground, dead.

Godzilla has now reached super-critical temperature and is melting. G-Force launches a constant barrage of freeze weapons to keep him from melting to the Earth’s core. The heat and the cold make his body unstable and it dissolves. The radiation increases to massive levels, but then subsides. It’s been absorbed by Little Godzilla, who rises from the ashes of Tokyo.

The King of the Monsters is dead. Long Live Godzilla.

screenplay by Kazuki Omori
directed by Takao Okawara
music by Akira Ifukube

Human Cast: Yasufuni Hayashi (Kenichi Yamani), Yoko Ishino (Yukari Yamane), Megumi Odaka (Miki Saegusa), Takura Tatsumi (Kensaku Ijuin)

Monster Cast: Godzilla, Destroyah, Little Godzilla

Notes: Momoko Kochi reprises her role as Emiko Yamani from the original Gojira. This ends the Heisei series of Godzilla movies. The next was the U.S.-made Godzilla. The next Godzilla movie produced by Toho Studios of Japan would be Godzilla 2000.

LogBook entry by Robert Parson

Space: Above And Beyond

River of Stars

Space: Above And BeyondWhen the troop transport carrying the 58th is severely damaged, Vansen and West find themselves barely able to calm their soldiers’ fears. Oxygen and other vital consumables are running low, and all communication with the Saratoga is lost. Using an ancient sextant, Wang spots an opportunity – a comet will be passing perilously close to the transport very soon. There may be just enough thruster power left to push the transport into the comet’s tail, making it visible to the Saratoga, but there may not be enough thruster power left to keep the transport from crashing into the comet moments later…

Order the DVDwritten by Marilyn Osborn
directed by Tucker Gates
music by Shirley Walker

Guest Cast: Tasia Valenza (Lt. Winslow), Tyrone Batista (Lt. Leslie O’Neil), Sharon Annett (Communications officer), Billy Maddox (Larkin), J. August Richards (Lt. Thomas), Christopher Wiehl (Ensign), Chris Kirby (Kelcher), Robert Arevalo (Horn), Robert Crow (Reynolds)

LogBook entry by Earl Green