
Urgh. What a couple of days it’s been. Turns out that the wife probably did indeed have a stomach virus, because something’s been making me feel like crap, both figuratively and literally, for several days now. I left work early Friday and only reluctantly moved around today, though I’m feeling significantly better (but still craptacular). I’ve probably mentioned before the family code words for how much of a bathroom visit I’m in for, and over the course of the past 2-3 days, I’ve hunted for poopapotamus in Poopopolis repeatedly, as well as fighting the battle of Crappamattox, passing my craptitude test, and just plain sat on the captain’s chair making log entries. (All of which I’m sure you wanted to know.)
MobilePro 780c - you'd be amazed how much of the site is written on this these daysMuch of today was spent writing stuff on my Mobilepro and firing it across the network to the PC where most of the site is put together, so whenever I was finally able to leave the bathroom, I had some stuff I could plug into the site. It just wasn’t a pleasant atmosphere today in the house, two miserably sick people and one of ’em already uncomfortable because there’s an extra passenger on board. I just hope that passenger’s getting through this whole thing better than his/her parents are.
I’ve gotten my appetite back, though for the moment, eating anything still has pretty immediate results. Anyway, enough about my digestive system.
Can’t wait to see how compatible this state of existence is with the task of shoveling other creatures’ crap on Sunday…

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  1. 1

    ugh, gastroenteritis. There’s been a huge breakout of it here in Montreal. About half of my colleagues in my team have missed at one point or another due to it, including myself (but I got lucky and it seemed like a very mild version of it, featuring mostly nausea, intermittent migranes and some fever).
    It got to the point where the owners of the building I work in decided to install hand sanitizer distributors in all the office washrooms and they had Purell distribute free sample bottles of said sanitizer.

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