Funny Stuff Gaming

WRONG! -200 points.

Was just watching History Channel’s Modern Marvels retrospective of the computer biz, and there’s a brief sidestep into video games in which they say that Nolan Bushnell encouraged an “open culture” of game making and “allowed other companies to make games for the Atari 2600.” Uh…hello? Nolan was gone before third-party software happened, and when the first upstart – Activision – stepped forward to create that market, Atari sued the hell out of ’em. Repeatedly. Surely telling the story of this industry isn’t so damned hard that it really is waiting for me to do it right…or is it??
I’m thinking about installing the following audio file on the machine I use at work, maybe as the “new mail” event sound, just to keep me awake.
[audio:]… Read more