I’ve been saying UGH a lot. Does that make me an “ugh-naught”?

Just popping my head in to apologize for not feeling particularly bloggy lately. Some stuff has some up – and admittedly 90% of it is work – that’s left me in a not-even-remotely blogful mood. (I’ve also been trying not to vent about things a whole lot at work either – I’m sure everyone’s as tired of hearing about it as I am of dealing with it. That, and I have to start taking the moral high ground at some point rather than feeding the gossip mill.)
I’ve started conceptualizing another fun little piece, very much along the lines of Olivia vs. Dalek, that I hope to start some shooting on fairly soon. I won’t spill any dirt there, except to say that it, too, involves Daleks. Possibly lots and lots of them by the time I’m done working a bit of Avid magic…
You may have noticed the scads of ads for Amazon.com/.ca/.co.uk/.egbdf gift certificates all over the site. That’s the great thing about the sections that have already been converted into WordPress – I just drop in a smidgeon of code, and wham, it’s on everything. (I’m sure some folks are going “oh, gee, that’s great,” but just remember it helps to keep us “on the air.”) So if you need an Amazon gift certificate, by golly, click one of those handy little buttons. The site can always use the dough.
We have wintry-type weather moving in tonight. I’m actually hoping that it’ll sock us in enough that I can’t make it down the mountain to go to work. (That actually happened last year – when you live out in the boonies, you’re in the absolute last place that anyone’s going to send a snowplow. Instant vacation!) I’d love to stay home with my favorite cats and dog in the world and just relax and not worry one bit about the station. At the same time, I’m hoping this weather doesn’t kill this weekend’s gaming get-together in Bentonville. Maybe it could thaw out on Saturday morning…
Also, congratulations to the spammer whose random name generator came up with the absolute best spammer sender name ever to appear in my inbox: Yomoshiro Guadalupe. I mean, that’s got the staying power of Napoleon Dynamite and then some. 😆
November sweeps ends in one hour. Thank God. The handful of spots I’m not embarrassed about from this latest month of mayhem can be found in my work section, for those interested.

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    You’re getting the weather that passed through New Mexico a few days ago. That storm left closed highways, piled up semis (six of them), school delays and closures, icy roads and a lot of cold people. Still cold today due to that storm but it’s going to warm up a bit in the next few days.
    I read an op-ed piece in the newspaper that declared that this November’s sweeps was somewhat dull: no mini-series, special broadcasts (other than the election) or other events to make a splash in the ratings. From the national perspective that may be true but I disagree as far as the local scene is concerned. I remember seeing a lot local news ads talking about various scary subjects – the kind of stuff you would only see during sweeps (however one news station must have been hard up for ideas: they advertised a feature about Paypal phishing – old news to say the least).
    Mild or not, I’m glad November sweeps is over.

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