…and then I whipped out my color organ

An unearthly glowThe manufacturer of this one called it “psychedelic lights.” Kent called it a “color organ.” I called it “those disco lights in a box that looks like a speaker.” And Steve W. brought it to me at OVGE.
So now what do I do with it?
Well, I think I’ve figured something out. And yes, it is at least as goofy as you think it is.
An unearthly glowThere are two things this light needs: power and sound. I found a couple of places where I could plug it in for power in the game room, but sound? It has to be reasonably close to something with an audio output jack of some kind.
Give up?
An unearthly glow
Well, since Dirk the Daring needs to be standing in the dragon’s fire anyway…
An unearthly glow
The light is in the entertainment center cabinet that holds my Coleco mini-arcade games. It’s actually behind a couple of the games, and as for audio, it’s taking its audio feed from the headphone jack on one of my broadcast monitors. (I just about never use those monitors’ mono speakers anyway.) Now, unplugging that jack would probably just about deafen anyone who did it – for this thing to get going, the audio it’s receiving has to be cranked.
So let that be a warning to those who would attempt to touch my color organ.

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  1. 2
    Steve W

    You need some different colored bulbs in it. Once Christmas lights start going on sale, get some outdoor replacement bulbs and put in there. A darker red bulb, a green bulb, and a brighter blue bulb will hopefully keep one color from washing out the other two.

  2. 3

    Actually, ‘ol blue’s been making a pretty good showing – this light’s wired so that instead of the bass, midrange and high end frequencies going to individual speaker cones, they instead trigger the lights. Blue is the high end, and for whatever reason, I’ve been seeing plenty of it. But I might change out bulbs in a few months just for grins.

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