
The cool calculating cat is out of the bag.

Calculator!Remember the mystery image several days ago? Well, the cat’s out of the bag – that’s part of the cover artwork for a new Odyssey2 cartridge, Calculator!, debuting at this weekend’s Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee. If you want to see the real deal, Packrat Video Games has a picture posted here – truth be told, it looks better than I thought it would when actually printed out. I almost like the cartridge label better than the manual! As with the previous O2 release by Rene Van Den Enden and Packrat, David “Ozyr” Fleming wrote the manual and I did the artwork. (As a tribute to this continued collective relationship, this cover has a slight in-joke reference to Rene’s O2 Pong game – the mechanical hand punching the calculator buttons is meant to be the same robot hand that’s holding the paddle in the Pong cover art. If Rene ever creates a game that doesn’t lend itself to an appearance by robot appendages, I’m in big trouble.) Calculator! isn’t a game per se – it’s…well…a calculator. Because everyone should balance their checkbook on a membrane keyboard at least once in their lives. Packrat will have it available after the show on their web site, or you can hit the MGC in Milwaukee this weekend.… Read more