I guess this means I need to suit up.

Check out this quiz, which determines which science fiction crew you would best fit into. Curiously enough, I came up with SG-1; when I backed up and answered my “tie breaker” question differently, the quiz assigned me to the crew of Serenity instead (!). I was curious, since the quiz title said it was “part II,” so I found and checked out the original version of the same quiz, which had me serving aboard the Nebuchadnezzar from The Matrix films (!!!). (I’d like to think I would fit in aboard the TARDIS better than any of the above, but it’s not even an option. Neither is Red Dwarf or the Liberator or Lexx. What gives here?) Give it a shot and let’s see who you’re shipping out with. 😆
Ironically, I’d apparently be a goner if I tried to sign up aboard the Enterprise-D or the FBI’s X-Files division. I don’t doubt the latter…

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  1. 1

    I like the little bar chart they display. Therefore, if I disagree with their number 1 results I can see if I agree with their other results too.
    Here’s my results, BTW:
    Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 88%
    Serenity (Firefly) 81%
    Moya (Farscape) 75%
    SG-1 (Stargate) 63%
    Enterprise D (Star Trek) 56%
    Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 56%
    Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 50%
    Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 50%
    Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 50%
    Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 44%
    Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 31%
    FBI’s X-Files Division (The X-Files) 13%
    What? No TOS Enterprise? I should have suspected it since they didn’t ask me if I wanted to shag some green slave girls. 🙂
    I was hoping that Battlestar would rank higher then that. It would be cool to vist the BSG (but I’m going to wait until that little business with the Cylons is over with).
    I’m not surprised about the X-files results. I’m not a big fan of conspiracy theories.

  2. 2

    My wife came up with roughly the same score as you did on the Falcon, though her next highest rankings wear the X-Files division. Once a government employee, always…though her third ranking was Nebuchadnezzar. Not sure what to make of that. 😆

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