Critters Gadgetology

AmpSwap Episode II: A Lack of the Clones.

Thanks to my wife promising her dad that sure, Earl would be happy to spend all of his Saturday night dubbing VHS tapes for him, the somewhat leisurely “I’ll get it done when I get it done” schedule for swapping out the A/V amps got ramped up to “get it done by 7 o’clock tonight so you can stay up all night dubbing tapes and then go feed horses.” Tomorrow we’re also supposed to get together with my wife’s cousin and her husband, who is home on leave after spending way too long in Baghdad. I’m not going to get into the politics of pulling out or not pulling out; put simply, I think it’s hard to disagree that one day serving in the U.S. armed forces in the danger zone in Baghdad is one day too long. Her cousin’s husband has been there a few hundred days too long.
Anyway, on to the completion of the AmpSwap project, which rapidly turned into an exercise in banging my forehead into the nearest solid surface. Pics aplenty, so… … Read more