Dice with death.

Earl's Kitchen KasinoSorry for the lack of updates recently; February sweeps is upon us, and I’ve been under the weather (but, of course, due to February sweeps, unable to take time off to recuperate before whatever I’m coming down with eats me alive) so I’ve been living on crunch time. The good news is that my first spot was handed in last night (well, okay, technically, the wee hours of this morning), containing more footage shot with my own camcorder than anything I’ve done to date (!). It’s a gambling addiction story, but as we just let one of our photogs go (right before sweeps!?), it’s become quite apparent that we’re not going to get any new footage of, oh, say, actual gambling shot for the story. Some file footage was requested from CNN and ABC, but there wasn’t enough of it, and we couldn’t show identifiable faces or placenames (i.e. the abundance of footage with the name of the casino in question on the back of a chair, etc.). My script referenced “the roll of the dice, the thrill of the win,” and then I realized…oh, wait, we’re not going to have footage of dice. So I set up my camcorder in my kitchen, and, up against the shiny black surface of the trash compactor, proceeded to build…The Contraption.
Earl's Kitchen Kasino
Basically, The Contraption consisted of the following:

  • A TV tray
  • Two wooden CD shelves
  • A slab of plexiglass (to protect the camera lens while I hurl dice at it)
  • A small box and the Titanic deluxe edition 3-DVD set (for the camera to stand on)
  • The dice from a Monopoly game

Basically, the CD shelves were stood on end on the TV tray to form “walls,” and with the trash compactor serving as a shiny non-specific background, the whole thing was supposed to be a bit of a stylized non-specific craps table kinda thing. (I was really more worried about it winding up looking like a crap table, but I didn’t have much to work with.) I eventually wound up borrowing one of the color lens filters from my old camcorder (that’s one thing I really wish the new model would let me stick on there) and used it as a lighting gel to cast what turned out to be a rather strange orange-reddish light over the whole thing (I also tried lighting it blue – not so great – and unfiltered – even more not so great).
Earl's Kitchen KasinoIt quickly became apparent that it’s incredibly difficult to roll dice with any accuracy toward that “sweet spot” where they’ll both land in focus right under the lens, especially if I was trying to make it look like I was really giving them a good roll instead of dropping them into place. I think I shot an hour of tape and came up with a total of 6 or 7 usable “takes.” But it turned out rather nicely, I thought. (I did realize I had one major problem when I was in post though – I had to drop some graphics in strategically to cover the honking bright reflection of the sunlight in the living room window behind me. Oops.) We won’t even talk about Othello getting curious enough about what I was doing to come over, knock down one of the wooden shelf “walls” while I was shooting, and trying his own hand (paw?) at the dice.
Hopefully I’ll have this spot, and maybe even an Easter egg or two showing some of the better outtakes, as a video feature in my work blog this weekend.

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  1. 1

    Must…not…read…latest…entry…or else…become…disillusioned… about…promo…spot. No wait – D’oh! 🙂
    It’s kind of neat to see how some of the promos get made but at the same time it distracts me from the whole point of the promo. Now, when I see a local news promo, I’m thinking more about how it’s made instead of the content of the promo. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

  2. 2

    Oh, I always think about how it’s made, but then that’s my line of work. I tend to fall into either “how did they do that?” mode, or “what the hell were they thinking!?” mode. I throw all this making-of stuff into my work blog (and occasionally it bleeds over into this one, but only when it’s forehead-slappingly funny like this thing was) so other folks at budget-challenged outfits not unlike myself can get some ideas. (Heck, maybe they’ll get some ideas about offering me a job with a huge pay bump. Though on the average day I’m far more likely to wind up with a huge bump on the head.)
    If anything, I’d think the most disillusioning element of this whole story would be the “shot it at home with my camcorder” angle. 😀

  3. 3

    That’s what has got me worried. How do I know that a cool graphic wasn’t shot in some guy’s bathroomand that a huge industrial complex wasn’t, in fact, just the cameraman’s toilet? x_X 😛

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