I guess I got over the machine noises

From my “baby book” filled out by my mother the first year or two of my life:

Birth To First Year

  • Likes: Bright colors – electric, neon or any kind of lights – Shawn’s weird noises
  • Dislikes: Machine noises! – loud, sudden noises

So that’s the story on the game room, folks. I was predestined to do it. Now, from an adjoining page about favorite toys and pets, a word about Lady, a big black lab my folks had when I was wee:

Feb. ’73 – met Lady and grabbed her nose, ears. Lady was very understanding.

Here’s hoping that Xena, Othello, Olivia and Oberon are in the same gracious mood in a year’s time – because given the size of this house, this baby won’t have a 9 month wait before meeting his or her first pet. 😆 Probably won’t have to wait as long as I did to see that first horse, either…
Obviously, Obi’s gotta lose the front claws now. We were trying to leave those alone unless they became a problem; now they’re gonna have to go.

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