Welcome to the Year of the Dog.

XenaIt turns out that the Chinese New Year rings in, in fact, the Year of the Dog. Somehow that seems appropriate – Xena has been acting up a little bit lately, ripping trash bags asunder and spreading their contents liberally across the yard, biting through the strap on one of the new gloves I got for Christmas, and completely destroying a perfectly good feather duster. After all of that happened in the span of three days, the past 36 hours or so have become not just a celebration of the Year of the Dog, but the Day The Dog Stayed Outside. I think she’s starting to get the message.
Today’s been one of those days. Literally, within half an hour of my boss telling me I need to come in earlier, my wife calls to tell me I’m feeding horses (and, presumably, donkeys) in the morning. Ah well, it’s almost February anyway – time to kiss the concept of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep goodbye. (Don’t be surprised if I also wind up kissing the concept of stuff like “giving my best shot to updating the blog everyday” goodbye for a bit too.)
I’ve officially pre-ordered some of the new Doctor Who figures, and have proceeded to beg a friend of mine in the UK to see if he can snatch up one of those dandy “transformer” figures which starts out as Christopher Eccleston and then, thanks to the magic of a removable head, can turn into David Tennant-in-Eccleston’s-duds. If I thought sticker shock was bad comparing the American dollar to the Canadian dollar, buying something priced in pounds sterling was even more sobering. By the time’s all said and done and shipped, it looks like I will have spent something in the vicinity of $15 per character on these puppies. (Fortunately, my Star Wars figure collecting has taken a steep nose dive since the holidays – they’ve relaunched the “saga” collection, heavy with characters from The Empire Strikes Back, which is kinda like going into reruns for me – so my toy budget is otherwise freed up.)
I’ve sent Character Options, the UK outfit producing the Who figures, a calm, not-too-gushing letter telling them that the product shots thus far look fantastic, and do they have any plans to produce pre-new-series Doctors/characters, and might they be selling these things even as close as Canada? Because believe me, I’d rather be putting my dollar up against the Canadian dollar than the British pound. And I know more people in Canada who I can talk into a trip to the toy store. 😛

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