Snow Day!: A Z-Dog Adventure

Can I go out there?
I want to take a look at this “snow.”
On second thought, it’s cold, windy, and and this stuff gets wet when it hits me.
I want to come back in.
I think I’ll stay in the nice warm utility room, where my blankets are…
Othello and Xena
…and where my friend Othello will watch over me.
Oh, and I’ve got a bone in here too that I can gnaw on.
See? This is a lot better than being outside. Let’s just see them try to get me back outside when it’s warmer!
Can you tell we’re seeing the first significant snowfall since we moved into this house? Xena sure can see it. She can almost taste it!
If that look on her face doesn’t say “Please let me in the nice warm house, and I promise to be a good dog!” I don’t know what it is saying.
The driveway and many of the streets were completely covered – here’s where I learn one of the big differences between city and country living, especially where Arkansas is concerned: the two snowplows and the one bag of sand that the state has at its disposal aren’t going to be anywhere near me anytime soon.
Xena's doghouse
At this rate, there’ll be a vacancy in Casa Xena for the rest of the winter. She’s enjoying this housedog gig.
I’m just glad it wasn’t like this a year ago today when I was hauling 2-3 carloads of stuff up here by myself every day…
Just on the other side of that window, Chloe is enjoying her new favorite perch…
Cross-stiching Chloe
…a wingback chair that my wife has appropriated to be the seat for her cross-stiching corner. (Believe it or not, that rather elaborate lamp is made especially for that particular activity.)
Chloe and Xena
Xena’s move into the house must seem like a permanent thing to the cats. Othello tends to observe from a safe distance, while Chloe doesn’t have a problem at all unless Xena tries to grace her with a big sloppy dog kiss. Funny how cats don’t seem to dig that…
Chloe and Xena
Hey, it could be worse. At least Xena likes the cats (and licks them) instead of following the usual pattern of feline-canine relations…

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