Retrogram #8311: Nothin’ But Time Travel

The week of March 13th, 1983: A quiet week of a busy year…so why all the time travelers? The Doctor drops in on King John, the Voyagers(!) drop in on “Wild Frank” Roosevelt, and Prince Erik Greystone drops into a whole haunted castle of trouble in the wrong month. Who’s the best time traveler? And who wound up in the best medieval castle? Do lutes really work well with analog synthesizers? And what’s the unlikely Simpsons connection in one of these shows? (71:20)

Right-click here and “save as”; 8-track tapes are not available.



Music (in order):
“Great Dark Spot” by Jahzzar ( CC BY-SA from the album Galaxy
“Birthday Cake” by Jahzzar from the album Wake Up
“Freaks” by Jahzzar from the album Wake Up
“Shine” by Jahzzar from the album Wake Up
“Pearl” by Phillip Gross from the album Katerstimmung


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  1. 2

    Between Lee Holdridge and Alf Clausen…I’d totally be on board if the studio and/or one of the boutique soundtrack labels somehow unearthed and released some of the music recorded for this show’s brief lifespan. It’s pretty epic stuff.

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