
Fuzzball recuperation update

Looks like everything is back to normal:
Othello and Olivia
Though he spent her first 36 or so hours back home hissing at her, Othello has now resumed his post as both guardian and pesterer of the kitten. (A warning for you Livejournal people: I post a lot of pet pictures. I mean, a lot. You have been warned.) Here I caught him red-handed, grooming her face. For the first day or so after she came home from the vet, Olivia’s body did have a chemical smell to it, and she cleaned herself obsessively during that time too, so I’m sure she knew it was there. I’m just glad that inter-feline relations are back to normal.… Read more


Rewiring the kitten

Othello, moping.So yesterday Olivia went to the vet to get “fixed.” (I didn’t really think she was broken.) At the same time, she’s also being front declawed – she’s not going to be an outside kitty, and besides, every other living creature she shares space with can offer a testament to how careless she can be with her claws. In other words: we’re not doing anything to her that hadn’t already been done to Othello, Iago or Chloe. Still, it’s amazing how much the mood of the whole household plunged overnight without her here. Othello moped around the house listlessly. Xena whimpered and whined because she hadn’t seen her new best friend pop up in any of the windows to say hi. And yeah, the humans in the household moped too.
Getting her to go certainly wasn’t easy – she already had other plans, such as playing with the drain plug in my bathtub:
Olivia plays in the bathtub (water not included)
When she figured out why we were trying to catch her, she went into hiding:
Hide, Olivia!
But she couldn’t get away…
Hide, Olivia!
I look forward to her return today. That way we can all stop moping.… Read more

Cooking With Code Critters

We interrupt this blawg…

Apologies for not having much to say recently; I’m launching a fairly major new feature on the site next weekend, so just about all of my spare time this week is devoted to that, to say nothing of getting the rest of the usual features ready (gotta do something cool to celebrate Star Trek’s 40th birthday, mind you). You probably noticed that the site went into “reruns” during August (mainly because there was simply no way I could do new features, continue to work on the aforementioned major new part of the site, and get ready for OVGE all at the same time; in the end, it turns out I was only able to accomplish one out of the three).
Olivia says ZZZZZzzzzzzzzOlivia’s going to be spending the night at the vet one night next week – she’s being rewired and front declawed. She hasn’t even gone into her first heat yet, so that’s a good thing. I remember how Othello and Iago used to act before they got fixed when they’d get “frustrated” – it wasn’t pretty and cost me at least one apartment deposit. Hopefully our li’l kitten will pull through this with a minimum of pain and inconvenience. She truly is the #1 source of joy in our household right now, so we’re understandably apprehensive about her going under the knife.… Read more


The mad dash to the finish line

I’m in the middle of my mad preparation action:
OVGE preparations
Boxed stuff is good. This box has balls. Trackballs, that is.
More OVGE preparations
Coleco mini-arcade goodness awaits transport.
Even more OVGE preparations
How rare is the stuff you’ll be seeing at OVGE this year, you ask? Is this rare enough for ya?
Wow, even MORE OVGE preparations!
Due to some technical difficulties with my Magnavox Odyssey, it won’t be coming to the show this year – it may be old hat to everyone else, but I always enjoy seeing it get so much playtime. Instead, my modded PS1 will appear, with the World’s Greatest PS1 Joystick, and retro arcade compilations aplenty, including many imports. Qix? Crazy Climber? 10 Yard Fight? Yeah, we got dat. The CDs on the right are imported game soundtracks – that’s what’ll be playing along with some music from the one and only Mr. Tony Fox.
By the way, I’ll have some Tony Fox CDs to sell at the show, but hit me up early – supplies are limited!
Olivia watches me pack for OVGE
This stuff is so cool, Olivia wishes she could come too.… Read more


It’s not over yet, Princess.

Olivia snoozesThe princess here is greatly relieved – and completely exhausted, which I’m sure you’ll find understandable, after her recent escape from the Death Star.
That’s right – the second box of Star Wars goodies has arrived. This one contained only two items…but these, which were also represented in my original collection, are what you might call the biggies. … Read more


A family portrait.

The recent photo organization project inspired me to finally get around to doing something I’ve been threatening to do for year – create a family portrait out of pictures where no two animals were in the same place at the same time. Here are the results:
Earl's family portrait of critters - Xena, Chloe, Iago, Sultry, Othello, Olivia
Wallpaper (without names): 1200 x 900 | 1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Wallpaper (with names): 1200 x 900 | 1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Earl's family portrait of critters - Xena, Chloe, Iago, Sultry, Othello, Olivia, Sampson, Gabby Cat
Wallpaper (without names): 1200 x 900 | 1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Wallpaper (with names): 1200 x 900 | 1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480
I don’t know who in the heck would want wallpaper of my pets, but I sure do, so I’m leaving it here, more or less for myself. … Read more