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Memo to rain, rain: “Another day” would be now.

My pasture - 4 acres of fire hazard.For all the folks who have asked rain, rain to go away: I’m countermanding your orders. Tonight we have an ever-so-slight chance of rain, and possibly snow in upper elevations – ha! Guess who lives in the upper elevations now? – and whatever we do get, it won’t be nearly enough. There are local lakes and rivers that are over a foot, if not more than one foot, below where they should be. (And as you can see, the grass in my yard and my pasture is lookin’ real healthy.)
And there’s no end of stupid people who are convinced that they can keep it under control when they burn their trash, despite the 30 MPH winds that have been blasting all day. Eeeeeeyeah. Let us know how that works out for you. I can only imagine that more overconfident folks will come out of the woodwork when a smattering of rain hits the ground. “Woohoo! Drought’s over! Let’s burn the trash, Martha!”
To be fair, the fact that my pasture is so overgrown falls under my responsibility, but I’m far from being the only person who needs to knock down some grass around here (and in any case, it’ll take more than my push-mower to do it). We shouldn’t all have to be living in fear of the next idiot who flicks a lit cigarette out their window as they drive by.
2-3 inches of rain wouldn’t come amiss right about now.… Read more

Funny Stuff

So…am I supposed to honk?

So, I was driving through Alma on my way to get some food this morning before heading in to Fort Smith to work, and I wound up at a stop light behind a big black SUV bearing a bumper sticker with the following words:
I have to admit, this made me do a bit of a double-take. Don’t get me wrong, that’s absolutely horrible, and I feel for this person. But at the same time, their willingness to metaphorically run that notice up that flagpole so it’s the first thing you see of them is a bit off-putting. This is someone who must be a hoot in casual conversation. “Hey, by the way? Somebody I love…” “…was murdered? You too? Man, that sucks,” I’d say. I flinch a little bit at the thought of making fun of this person’s heartfelt (and yet mass-produced and adhesive-backed) self-expression, but at the same time…it just strikes me as yet another symptom of our culture’s obsession with victimization – everybody has to be a victim of something. And I take offense at that because there are lots of people who are victims of something or someone, who never get their due or the help they deserve because they’re not photogenic, media-friendly, Oprah-guest victims. So, I really feel for you, sir or ma’am, and for the hell that your loved one’s death no doubt put you through.
So…uh…do I honk now?… Read more