
GreenSkullsGreenSkulls was Mike Scully and me, cranking out tunes in my living room, recording them on Mike’s 4-track, and then going in throwing in spoonfuls of keyboards at what we’d just recorded. Sometimes he’d bring stuff he’d done at home and would sit back while I went nuts filling the rest of the tracks. Most of the songs were Mike’s, though “Love Blind To Justice” was an out-of-left-field living room jam. Mike always did, and still does, write some great songs that immediately gave me lots of ideas about what needed to be added, though sometimes the real trick was to try not to go all ELO on ’em.

I’m a studio rat, not a real live musician, but recording this stuff still is some of the most fun I’ve ever had making music.

Love Blind To Justice
It’s rough, I cringe at some of my own playing here, but this is still an awesome little song.

Dreamt Of You
The only thing I’d change would be to take out the white noise sweep in the middle of the break.

Atmospheric Thing
This was one of those where Mike already had the guitar and vocal track done; I was trying to show some restraint here (perhaps not enough?) in adding to it because truthfully, the whole thing would’ve held together minus anything I added to it.

Rough Diamonds
Flute solo? I can only assume that I’d just listened to a bunch of early ’70s Moody Blues before putting that on there. Another one that Mike brought over sounding just fine before my “input.”

Spot the difference? Not only is this one my words and music, but it’s my rather clumsy guitar work. Mike sang this far better than anything I could’ve done. I seem to remember this being the first song I’d written on guitar instead of keyboards, and I threw some real mouthfuls into the lyrics.

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