Funny Stuff Serious Stuff

Stop that quakin’ ’till I’m done with my bacon!

OtisburgBefore anyone asks…

Nope, I didn’t feel the 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma here. I felt the 4.7 earthquake in central Arkansas earlier this year, but that was closer.

However, my cats and dogs have been going nuts since it happened.

A little bit of research (and I stress: only a little bit) and a general lack of sleep led to this funny but (hopefully) informative forum post, which may wind up having amused me more than it will amuse anyone else, but hey, give it a shot. I’m of a firm belief that communicating information with a healthy dose of humor helps to cement that information better in the mind of the listener or reader. Not everyone I’ve ever turned in a research paper or a paid writing assignment to has agreed with me, but hey, this is why I’ve got a blawg.

It’s just one of those little pieces of writing that I’m (insufferably) happy with, so I thought I’d share.… Read more