Tagging along

C is for CookieYou guys know I like Tagalongs, right? As in the Girl Scout Cookies with the peanut butter in the center and the chocolate on the outside? I call chocolate-peanut-butter ice cream “sex on a spoon,” so this is basically sex in cookie form. If you think the notion of buying sex in cookie form from Girl Scouts is awkward if not outright disturbing, consider this even more alarming fact: they only sell Girl Scout Cookies once or so a year.

Which probably explains why I’m actually not fatter than I already am.

A while back, Wal-Mart tried to make their own versions of Tagalongs. They failed. The balance was off. The beauty of Tagalongs is that you’ve got just the right amount of PB inside, and just the right amount of fudge on the outside sealing it in – neither flavor really dominates. It’s nature’s most perfect food, aside from that whole pesky not-really-contributing-anything-nutritionally-meaningful thing. Wal-Mart also took a huge amount of criticism for trying to approximate the recipe and therefore, by extension, trying to steal sales from a wholesome organization like the Girl Scouts. Okay, I can kinda see that angle too, though I think that had everything to do with it being Wal-Mart that was doing it.

But now, completely under the radar, I’ve found that someone else has done a damn nifty job of approximating the recipe and getting the balance right. You can get these at Aldi stores, and they are delicious, and make no mistake… they are Tagalongs.

Not Tagalongs
Truth in advertising: whoever Benton is, these are indeed the best

They’re also only a couple of bucks a box. I know, I know… I’m evil and self-serving.

Aldi doesn’t have them in stock year-round (yet), but they do make them available a few times a year as advertised specials. And when they do, I will be there. Because even when I buy Tagalongs, real Tagalongs (and I still do, you know), I never have enough cash on me to do the whole freeze-a-year-round-supply thing that so many people talk about doing but never actually do.

Besides, it’s best if I buy only a few boxes, a few times a year. Do you know know long a single container of Tagalongs (or their generic twins) lasts around me? Not very long.

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