Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines

The job that isn’t on my resume

Film at 11I’ve spent a lot of time here lately wondering about the viability of my resume. You wanna know what humiliation is? Humiliation is signing up with three temp agencies, all of whom tell you that they probably can’t find anything for you unless you suddenly sprout several years’ experience in welding.

Thus far, I’ve resisted that nagging urge to second-guess the current state of my resume. It lists Fox 46 and KFDF, WACY, 40/29, and explains that I’ve been a stay-at-home dad since 2007. That explains the gap in any employment history between 2007 and now.

But what about the gap between returning home from Green Bay and starting at 40/29? That’s a whole different story: the shortest length of time I’ve ever held a job. … Read more