Funny Stuff Music

“iPod Shuffle” meme

Is that BOSS rock?  WELL TURN IT UP, MAN!Everyone keeps tagging me with this particularly silly meme, so I figured, what the heck – with my abundance of truly weird music sitting on my hard drive, not to mention Doctor Who audio stories, film & TV scores, various and sundry sound FX albums and whatnot, I’ll be able to elevate this meme to a completely surreal new dimension. Either that or every answer will be an ELO or Split Enz song. … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3

Revenge of the Rainbow Yawn

Infinitely improbable barfageBlurgh. Evan’s been barfing again, much more explosively than his last bout of the barfies at the beginning of the year. I’m hoping that maybe this is just a recurrence of the same stomach bug, but it worries me that I haven’t been hit yet (and believe me, I’ve been up to my ankles in it, cleaning it up, and all but field-stripping the crib to clean it all up, so I’ve been in physical contact). Evan and I have spent so much of the past three months being sick with one thing or another that I worry that his immune system just hasn’t quit reeling from the punches. Such are the joys of day care: interesting new social situations for Evan and his immune system! 😛

Other than that, day care is going well for Evan; he’s the biggest kid in his “class” – which is the 3-18 month category – so he’s kinda like the king of the babies. (He rotates to a new “class” in March when he turns 18 months.) A few times when I’ve gotten him in the door late enough for it to be morning snack time, I’ve literally seen all the other little ones stop and wait for him to get seated before they resume eating: the boss is here! But he doesn’t seem to be using his size to lord over everyone. If anything, he’s very encouraging and sympathetic: if one of the little ones is crying, Evan can be found patting them on the back, kinda like “Hey buddy, it’s okay.” Where he learned that behavior, unless it was from me picking him up and patting him on the back, I have no idea.

We won’t go into him coming home from day care last week having learned the word “howdy.”

I still seem to be a bit of an oddity in that I’m a dad who looks forward to showing up and picking the kiddo up. I’ve seen and observed other dads there, but some of them are real humdingers – you can tell they’re more eager to drop their child off than to pick them up. I know people have bad days and so on, but we’re talking every single day, there are a couple of guys who seem supremely irritated that they’re having to be involved at all. I go poke my head in the door, look for Evan, and make faces at him – maybe not the manliest thing in some people’s books, but hey, maybe it’s time to redefine that. There are few things I look forward to more than picking him up, because he’s my best buddy right now – which probably just means that daddy needs the kind of meaningful interaction with kids his own age that Evan is getting. 😆 I can’t figure some of these guys out. Sorry the kid’s harshing your buzz, dude, but hey, it’s all about the little ones now, so you might as well make the mental adjustment.

Anyway, hopefully he’ll be feeling better soon – he might be missing a day of day care tomorrow depending on how his tummy’s doing. Though given that the 2009 tornado season apparently begins tomorrow, maybe it’s a good day to hang out at home with dad…… Read more