...And Little E Makes 3


Here’s the status report on everyone after a round of doctors’ visits yesterday:

Evan: has pneumonia. This is kind of scary, but the symptoms aren’t screaming worst-case scenario just yet. But it’s bad enough listening to the little guy being a heavy mouth-breather on the baby monitor. Obviously he’s out of day care for a while. He still has an appetite, however, so that’s a good sign; the moment he doesn’t feel like eating, we have a problem. We’re not looking at hospitalizing him…yet.

Evan’s daddy: has a big honkin’ sinus infection and an infection in the left eye. Something got into my eye on Sunday at the farm and I rubbed at it pretty relentlessly on Monday. By Tuesday night, the eye was almost swollen shut, and it still hurt like hell. Apparently these two things got together and made a big mess in the middle, so the infections are related. I’m a mouth breather too right now, a very dehydrated one, and I’m having to put antibiotic eyedrops in every two hours. The problem there: I can’t stand to have anything come into physical contact with my eyes. Opening my eyes underwater? Forget it. Contact lenses? No way. Getting to where I can routinely put these eye drops in has been a sheer-force-of-will thing, because, y’know, I’d like to keep the eye.

Evan’s mom: is pretty frazzled because we both keep getting/staying sick. Sorry, I don’t plan things this way. Given that a month ago I had an upper respiratory infection that threatened to turn into pneumonia, and Evan had a sinus infection, obviously we’re just trading illnesses at this point because he and I are usually all over each other when he gets home from his part days at day care. So I’m having to keep my distance from him, so my wife is having to stay home from work with both of our sick asses.

If there’s a silver lining to any of this, it’s the fact that apparently I haven’t put as much weight back on as I’ve thought – either that or I put it back on and lost it again. Yay me?

Hopefully things will start looking up soon. I hate hearing the little guy feeling bad; and despite that, he’s trying so hard to be his normal happy self. It makes me really self-conscious about feeling too bad about my own predicament. I want to be more like Evan when I grow up.… Read more