Tim, you sneaky Finn you.

Tim Finn Rarities EPTim Finn - The ConversationYou know, every year that I boldly state that the only thing left on my music want list is that year’s Doctor Who soundtrack, Mr. Tim Finn sneaks up and throws a new studio album at me. So there you have it – I’m going to start saying that the last CD I want every year is Doctor Who, and that means more Tim, right? I’d already picked up the little rarities/demos/etc. EP he put out this year, and I thought “Hey, that’s good” – between that and Liam and the Split Enz rarities collection that came out in the past 12 months, I was maintaining my practice of setting aside about a quarter of any given year’s music budget for the family Finn. This is just sneaky.

Anyway, according to Tim’s official news site, maintained by Finn & Split Enz publicist Peter Green:

The track listing for Tims new album THE CONVERSATION is as follows:-Straw to Gold,Out of this world, The Saw & the Tree, Slow Mystery, Rearview Mirror, Only a Dream., Fall from Grace, Invisible, Snowbound, Great Return, Imaginary Kingdom, Forever Thursday, More Fool Me.

Peter also posts a link to the electronic press kit for the album on Youtube. For my part, I’ve added The Conversation to the Store. It looks like the album’s out next month, kinda like that Doctor Who album – somehow appropriate for someone who was described by fellow Split Enz’er Mike Chunn this way in a quote found on a Tim fansite:

When I first saw him, he was 13 and his eyes seemed very piercing and bright for a country boy. As time passed, I realised it was all those songs burning brightly in the back of his head – waiting to come out. His skull is like the TARDIS. Deceiving.

I always thought that quote was a neat little coincidence there. 😉

EDIT: Now that I’ve done a little bit of further research, I’m really intrigued by this album deliberately going for a less “produced” sound than most of his other work. Hmmmmmmm.

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