Not always a boom tomorrow

Dune 2000So I had a little bit of frustration worked up tonight and decided that I’d take care of it the only way that seemed reasonable: it was time to blow shit up, and it was time to blow shit up Dune 2000 style. Even though it’s about ten years old (roughly the same age as its Westwood stable mate, Command & Conquer: Red Alert), no matter how much shiny new stuff I have gaming-wise, Dune 2000 is always the game of choice for me to take out major frustration on. I picked out some appropriate music (time to crank the Alias soundtracks), put on my headphones, and declared war. One of the things I like about Dune 2000 is that, while it’s a game in which I can kick copious quantities of ass, it’s a game that – even in multiplayer skirmish AI practice mode – gives as good as it gets. I still have to fight for it, and mightily so sometimes. I wasn’t exactly on my game going into things, so I had to hit the ropes and regain some ground a few times; I almost always play as Ordos, which has taken on a weird subtext in recent years, because if you’re playing as Ordos, you’re basically relying on terrorist tactics. Atreides and Harkonnen each have different flavors of brute force that they rely on; Ordos has to be sneaky, and the best way to play Ordos is to aim not to conquer the other combatants with brute force, but to give them the death of a thousand cuts and sabotage and/or bankrupt them into oblivion. Why this is my favorite way to play the game, I couldn’t tell you. Playing Ordos puts you at a deficit of strength for the whole game; by being sneaky, you can win by economic force more than anything. Maybe this just means I’m a sneaky bastard at heart.

Anyway, all was going well at last, even though I was still having to fight for every inch of solid, non-sand space I was occupying on Arrakis, and I was finally starting to come out on top. Through good planning and prioritization, Ordos can outspend the two more powerful houses into a corner; judicious use of your tech can rip the rug out from under the other guys by relieving them of the ability to support their own war effort.

So help me, this is how I relax and deal with frustration.

Anyway, at about 3:30 in the morning, AVG started its scheduled scan and crashed my game.

Crap. Now I’m frustrated all over again. 😆

Too bad the online play doesn’t seem to be supported anywhere these days. I could probably utterly destroy everyone reading this. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. :-p

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