Birthday boy!

Evan and his daddy on Evan's first birthdayEvan’s birthday is today, and I’m working on a little video piece to celebrate the occasion. I temporarily ceased any other video work I had going so I could load every piece of Evan video I have into the Avid. I won’t tip my hand about the music, other than that it involves the Traveling Wilburys. But going through all that video has kinda made me realize how much he’s grown in the past year, and how much I have too – I kinda had to grow the hell up, a bit more than I’d realized. I still don’t know what the heck I’m doing, really – I don’t have a playbook that I’m operating by. All I do know is that it’s now been a year since I become A Guy With A Baby. Somewhere in that year that’s passed, I’ve become Dad. And I don’t doubt for a moment that it’s an improvement. He’s the best part of being me, and from here on out he always will be.

This also means that it’s been a year since I gave up full-time gainful employment. Despite that, I’ve surprised myself and, I think, everyone else by still pulling in some money while I’m on daddy duty. There were people who predicted dire things for us income-wise, and you know, it hasn’t been easy… but for the most part it hasn’t been a train wreck either.

In other news, it looks like those of you hitting gaming events “up east” will have two chances to pick up the PDF DVD – at CCAG in Cleveland on October 12th, and the following week on October 18th in Reading, PA at TooManyGames. I won’t be there in person, but plenty of DVDs will be. 🙂 The sudden surge of duplicating I’ve done for these two shows has brought the total print run up to 200, so if you’re in those parts of the country and haven’t picked on up yet, hit up Tim Snider at CCAG or Scott Stilphen at TMG those weekends and get caught up…especially before the PDF Level 2 DVD comes out next year!

OK, back to the birthday boy for me. I’ll have his video up for your amusement and amazement this weekend, and I’m hoping that next week I’ll have another treat finished at last for those who enjoyed that little video piece I did about catching you up on the mythology of a certain TV show in 35 minutes. Little hint: you’ll need another 30 minutes free in your schedule somewhere, and then you’ll be caught up on the rest of what’s going on in that universe. 😉

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