Funny Stuff Television & Movies

And it’s on Thursday night too, that’s perfect.

I just woke up from a “TV dream” nap. I’m sure plenty of people have them – basically, you wind up in the middle of some fictional universe interacting with the characters there. Personally, as much as you think Mr. Episode Guide Guy would love being in the thick of things, I always find these distressing and disappointing on a certain level. I never wind up in a really good story (damn you, writers’ strike!), and when I wake up, honestly, I feel like someone else’s imagination has breached mine, and more importantly, some barrier has broken down in my mind, even temporarily, between fantasy and reality, and on some certain inner level I find that deeply offensive. (Man, do I sound like I’ve got a massive stick up my ass or what?) Fortunately, I rarely have these, so I don’t go around letting my subconscious offend me a whole lot. 😆 And the handful of times in a given year that I do have these dreams, I usually wind up making sarcastic comments about it in the dream, like there’s a part of me actively working to deny the reality of the obviously fictional situation. And here I bet you people thought I spend a lot of time in the TARDIS.

Fictional elements or no, I’m sure trained psychologists would have a field day with this one. Because strip out the mondo bizarro fictional instrusion that basically makes up the last 1/10 of the dream, and it’s a dream about feeding Evan a bottle. (My fertile imagination just reaches for the bloody stars, doesn’t it? 😆 ) But the really fun part is right at the end when Benjamin Linus pops around the corner of my room.

Obviously I didn’t stick around for freakin’ Eli Stone.… Read more