...And Little E Makes 3 Should We Talk About The Weather?

Goin’ to the grandparents

A veritable multimedia feast for you here tonight, as we get Evan ready for a trip to his grandparents’ house a few minutes away.

Evan's going over the river and through the woods
All decked out. On an average day, Evan is much better dressed than his daddy is.

Evan's going over the river and through the woods
This outfit is Mr. Flibble-approved.

Evan's going over the river and through the woods
Dear Evan: please file this “doggy hat” photo under “things Dad never would have dressed you in”. Love, Dad.

And a little audio clip, taken by sticking my camera in the windowsill in Evan’s bedroom. Keep in mind, we’ve got a nice thick blanket tacked up over the window, and it’s kept the room nice and toasty, but the wind is blowing so hard here (still!) that this is just what you hear while sitting there:

Good thing that Daddy’s bed is next to that window, while Evan’s crib is all the way on the opposite wall. Still, we both have snotty noses today.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters

Ain’t it funny how the night (and the kitty) moves

Apparently cats take things in shifts and I didn’t realize it. Evan woke up a little while ago and announced that he required feeding…


And while I wasn’t at all surprised to find a kitty occupying his crib with him, I had to engage in a bit of a Tennant-ism after rubbing my eyes and turning on the lights:

Evan and Olivia

What? What!?

Evan and Olivia

What??!?? 😯

Oberon was unavailable for comment. Apparently somebody’s realized that Evan’s side of the room is warmer than daddy’s side… 😛 … Read more