
Wait a minute, what services does that include?

If there’s anything more insidious than just damned spam, it’s porn spam. And even worse than that is porn spam carried over to the edge of English-as-a-fourth-language illegibility and dropped off without a care. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here’s the basic formula:

1. Word 1 = Some saucy adjective
2. Word 2 = Slang noun for a woman of loose virtue
3. Word 3 = Some racy verb
4. Word 4 = Some synonym, sometimes very distantly related, for “man”
5. Intersperse random characters through the statement resulting from the above random generation to try to get past the Bayesian filters.

My all-time favorite result of the above random generation technique arrived in my inbox this morning:


(That’s with all the random letters removed.)

Two thoughts spring immediately to mind: … Read more