Interesting Lost article

There’s a really fascinating article here about the “other” creator of Lost – the guy who happens not to be J.J. Abrams or Damon Lindelof whose name shows up under “created by” every week. It’s very interesting, and I feel for his plight of constantly being patted on the back for something that he can’t even stand. Most of us in the lower-than-Hollywood income bracket would probably say “Yeah, but that six-figure income from Lost alone probably helps to mitigate that.” But as an allegedly creative type myself, I can see where it would, in fact, bug the living hell out of me if I were in his shoes.

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  1. 1
    Dave Thomer

    I feel bad for him, but there’s a voice in my head telling me I shouldn’t. It’s hard to argue with whoever it was at ABC who wanted to go in a different direction, and if Abrams/Lindelof came up with “the island is a character” and “let’s use flashbacks,” then it’s hard to argue that asking for their input was a bad idea. It’s pretty clear the show Lieber was trying to create is not the show that Lost became. Could it have been successful? Without access to parallel universes, we’ll never know.

    As for the congratulations-for-something-he-doesn’t-feel-a-part-of – well, that’s what he asked for when he decided to arbitrate the credit.

    I did find it kind of funny that someone at ABC was getting indignant on Abrams’ behalf. Isn’t he off working on movies most of the time? Seems like Lindelof is the one burning the midnight oil along with Cuse, who doesn’t get any of the Created By pie. (The new deal they signed with ABC surely salves some of those wounds.)

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