Dispatches from the Bizarro World

Jan recently got a call from the hospital to let us know that our evening childbirth classes, which were were signed up to take through July, have been cancelled due to lack of interest. Did people suddenly bring the baby-makin’ to a halt? Can I help? You know where to find me if you need me to repopulate the species in my own image. Seriously, I’m having a hard time buying that – lack of interest!? On the flipside of that, we were directed toward internet videos to replace the classes. This reminds me of one of my all-time favorite off-topic threads at Digital Press, the two best posts of which were as follows:

  1. anyone know a website that explains how to wield a katana? videos/pics whatever, like a Katana Wielding for Dummies type thing.


  2. I like your traditional ideals, learning the subtle beauty of the weapon the same way the samurai masters did a thousand years ago… through pictures… on the internet.

That thread sprang to mind immediately. I know humans have been pumping out babies since day one, without classes, but it’d be nice to have. Until then, I’ll just have to learn myself… through pictures… on the internet. (But when I’m not doing that, my offer of help still stands. Trust me, extinction’s uglier than I am. 😆 )

The summer of swimming continues, and I’ll admit that it’s probably slowing down my work on the baby room. But I’d forgotten how good it feels to just float around (and how much better it feels to put in some actual laps). When you’ve got skin problems like mine, there’s nothing like just being in water up to your ears for a couple of hours. On so many levels, it feels so much better.

Also, last but not least, I just gave Frost*’s cover of ELO’s “Here Is The News” a listen or three, and I’ve officially declared it brilliant. This is how you cover ELO – maintain the strengths of the original, and feel free to rock it the heck out where appropriate.

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    I liked the cover of the song “Here is the News” but I might of liked it better if they strayed a little more from the original work. It’s a faithful reproduction of the piece but, I think, too faithful. I would have liked to see what else they could have done with it: more electronica added? A big solo piece in the middle? Something. The other two pieces on their myspace account were OK but nothing remarkable. I liked the guitar at the beginning of the second song. The “guitar in a big cave” effect was nice and led to some decent imagery.

    About the baby training thing. Have you considered locating a single mom about to give birth who needs a coach or partner during labor? Both you and your wife could be there for her during labor and learn stuff a video would never tell you. At the very least you’ll find out if you’ll faint during the birth of your son. At least with this idea you won’t have to worry about paternity suits. 🙂

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