All along the…wait, WHAT!?

There’s so many zingers in the season finale of Galactica, I’d think this episode was sponsored by Dolly Madison. I don’t even know where to start. I’m going to have to re-watch it to try to process it all again, though one thing that sunk in with the first viewing was that the music was flat-out awesome. I e-mailed Bear McCreary to find out if “All Along The Watchtower” is going to be on the season 3 soundtrack CD, and then I paid his site a visit, only to discover that he’s got a blog for every episode, and the entry for Crossroads Part 2 says that yes, there will be a season 3 CD, and yes, “Watchtower” will be on it. (Come to think of it, I really dug the music from last week’s Lost episode as well, so as long as McCreary and Giacchino and their respective labels want to keep doing season soundtracks, count me in.) It’s hard to find a version of “Watchtower” that really blows the doors off the barn the way the original did, or especially the Hendrix version, but this interpretation of it just floored me. (Slight bit of self-pimpery: if you haven’t already, you should read our 2005 interview with Bear, who’s just one of the nicest guys I’ve spoken to in a sub-career of interviewing film and TV composers. For such a soft-spoken soul, this guy makes some awesome noise. And he’s taking over the music for Sci-Fi’s Eureka next season!)

Other than that…I have no comments (or spoilers) at the moment on the story itself. Still digesting. I’m sure I’ll have things to say later though.

Not much else to report from the past few days. Same old incidents and accidents. I’ve been soaking up the Alan Parsons Project remastered goodness, and as much as I like it (the track of Eye In The Sky orchestral & choral overdubs, sans rhythm section tracks, is just breathtaking), I’m coming away from each one just a little bit let down. I must’ve gotten really spoiled by the relative wealth of “found and finished” songs on the ELO remasters. I wouldn’t even be making comparisons, except that virtually the same team at Sony is responsible for both groups’ remastered albums.

Counting down the days to the new season of Doctor Who. Dunno about you, but I’m pretty happy – for the first time in quite a while, all of the shows I’ve been following faithfully have gotten renewed this year, even though at least a couple of them (Galactica and Torchwood) won’t be seen again until next year. (Word has it that this is also likely to be the case with Lost once it finishes its season.) I know some folks are bemoaning the fact that there’s a long gap between seasons, but y’know, somehow the Brits have been able to settle into this rhythm of watching TV, so I don’t see why we can’t do the same. Besides, I’m sure I’ll have something to occupy my time between now and then.

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    I posted this in ubersaurus’s blog, might as well post it here too:

    Looks like Kara has been visited by the “angels”.

    Moore has been known to go back to the classic BSG for his material and I think he’s doing it here. Starbucks “death” is remeniscent of Apollo’s death in the classic BSG. When Apollo got better from his murder, he, Starbuck and Sheba suddenly get a clue to the location of Earth. This clue, no doubt, was implanted by the “angels” from the crystal spaceship.

    So, in this new series Kara “dies” and when she returns she tells Apollo she’s been to Earth. Her adventure sounds more like the product of an intervention by the same “angels” who haunt Baltar and Caprica Six than anything by the Cylons. Not all the shenanigans going on are Cylon plots and I think this one is not one of them.

    Tigh a Cylon? What this tells us, of course, is that the humanoid cylons have been around a lot longer than anyone ever thought. Possibly around even before the first toasters were built. Unless the real Tigh was replaced by a Cylon via some kind of body snatchers pod some years ago. I’m thinking the human Cylons originated from a previous cycle of this grand drama.

    New episodes in 2008? Gah! The main questions on my mind when the show resumes are: Will they reach Earth next season? If so will it be a contemporary Earth? Earth of the past? Future? Earth from a different universe altogether? What ever they do, I’m sure it’ll better than that mess that Galactica 1980 made (Gods, I hope so!).


    As a 4400 fan, I’m already used to the long waits between seasons. The 4400 show is only broadcast in the summer and the last episode was broadcast last August or September. So now Doctor Who and BSG are in the same position. Bummer but I’ll get used to it.

    So what will I do in the meantime? Pr0n? Oops. Sorry. TMI. 😛 HOW ABOUT WATCHING THE COMPLETE STAR TREK ANIMATED SERIES (I just got it for my birthday)!!!??? Only 22 episodes but OVER 3 1/2 HOURS OF SPECIAL FEATURES!!!

    I also got Season three of Babylon 5.

    Of wait, those will only take me to May or June!! What else? CGE. No, that’s only one weekend! I’M DOOMED!!!!!

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