Log cabin fever (it’s a remote possibility)

This blog is about to become a chronicle of my descent into madness. I couldn’t even get out of the driveway to go to work this morning, which is just as well because the road our house is on is a solid sheet of ice. They’ve plowed it, but didn’t sand it – what’s the point? All that does is just expose the ice. Might as well have left the snow there so at least there’d be something to get some traction on. Anyway, yet another day where I’m not making any money. Yeesh.
I do have some cute new kitty pictures for ya though. Isn’t that what this blog is really supposed to be about?
Othello, Oberon, Olivia
Guess who’s keeping the bed warm for mommy? How about…everybody? (Well okay, the dog’s not up on the bed. But she would be if she could.)
Othello, Oberon, Olivia
The beast awakens.
Othello, Oberon, Olivia
The beast asks his big brother to handle that bright flashing thing and then goes back to sleep.
Speaking of cute kitties, there’s a newly-re-processed, higher-resolution version of Olivia Vs. The Daleks here for your amusement – and this one doesn’t even go to another video when it’s done! 😀
Watched the very, very good bonus features on the Doctor Who Inferno DVD today, and did some more work on the massive, nigh-insurmountable task of converting our entire music review section into a database.
Thanks to everyone who’s ordered stuff through theLogBook.com – the first quarter revenue is in and I’ve turned around and spent the lot of it. 😆 Your patronage is appreciated – don’t stop now, please!
I’ve been following the saga of Boston vs. the Mooninites with great amusement. Keep in mind, I don’t even really like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but the hysteria surrounding this whole things has been amusing and frighteningly enlightening. I’m almost convinced that the city officials who are going balls-to-the-wall with the pressing of charges and so on are just doing this to try to justify their initial reaction. In the end, the joke really is on them – and it’s created the kind of publicity that Cartoon Network couldn’t have bought if they had originally wanted to. Now that it’s News, don’t expect any arm of the Turner octopus to let it drop out of the headlines any time soon. Maybe I’m sympathetic to Turner because I’m left in goggle-eyed admiration of what they managed to pull off here (without even trying!) in the name of promoting a TV show, but I’m also less than sympathetic to Boston for just not getting it. Yes, I’m sure they spent money mobilizing their task force of terror…but they’d probably get a lot more points for laughing it off, bragging about how well they responded, and asking Turner Broadcasting to reimburse them for the “exercise.” This is kinda like prosecuting someone to the fullest extent of the law for toilet papering your house.

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