

I’ve been carping a lot lately on DP and in a few other places about how the litmus test for a new game console for me isn’t brand loyalty, hype or advertising – it’s about showing me a game that I have to have. A few years into the Gamecube’s lifespan, Pac-Man Vs. finally got me on board, and I belatedly discovered the joys of Rogue Leader not long afterward. Those games and the Game Boy Player boot disk make up pretty much the entirety of my ‘cube library. They are why I have that machine. Same deal with the Katamari games and the PS2. Do I have other Ps2 titles? Yes – the usual suspects: Namco Museum (disappointing compared to the original PS1 versions), Taito Classics, and so on. But rolling stuff around into big balls and launching them into the heavens, that’s why I have a PS2. (If this sounds even less economical than those little joysticks with a limited number of built-in games, bear in mind that I got both machines at a substantial discount; in fact, I traded for the ‘cube and considered it an insanely good deal.) To get my attention, a new console has to show me a game that I absolutely must have in my library. Something unique. Something that I’m going to play again.
WiiThat being said…I have to say that the ads for the Wii have already got me mentally budgeting for that machine in the new year. I’ve been telling everyone that I’ll spring for the Wii when Nintendo and LucasArts give me a kick-ass lightsaber game, but having seen RedSteel and a couple of others…wow. The kinetic controller really does appear to change the face of things. When the thing actually launches, I’m going to make it my mission to head down to Wal-Mart or someplace demoing the thing, and play it for myself before I go home and say “Honey, let’s blow $250 on yet another game console to put in our house!” But at least on a conceptual level, I’m in love. The last time I just saw a game and thought to myself, “Man, that looks fun. I’ve gotta get one of those,” it was Katamari. I haven’t gotten this enthused seeing people play Guitar Hero.
Clearly, some hands-0n research is warranted, but yeah, for the first time in…um…kinda like…ever, I may actually get a new console within half a year of its launch. (To put things in perspective, the last/only time I’ve ever been an early adopter was with the original Game Boy. I was still in high school.) And all this because, so help me, the Wii looks fun. (Or maybe this is yet another indicator that I need more sleep.)… Read more

Home Base

Leave me where I am, I’m only sleeping

Actually, I’m only daydreaming about sleeping. I’ve run into a problem: I get home from work dead tired, but invariably I have some idea I want to try out on my own Avid, and the next thing you know, it’s 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning, and I finally wise up and go to bed, and then without fail my wife wakes me up for some reason at around 6:30 and I can’t get back to sleep. So naturally, I wind up doing stuff on the Avid again. It’s a vicious cycle. Add to that a weekend of solo horse feeding and a Sunday night shift at work, and…well…I guess I’ll sleep in early December. No wonder I’ve been sick.
If anyone’s wondering when you’re going to see full-up production numbers out of the new gear and not goofy test footage of fiddygibbers with lightning shooting out of their noses, I’d say to check the main page of on Monday – there’ll be stuff with video features that doesn’t normally have video. (And one of our coolest front page graphic menus in quite a while too. If I do say so myself.)
Ah, sleep. How I miss thee.… Read more

Gaming ToyBox

8-bit music boxes

Classic game fans, I’ve got what you want for Christmas. Seriously. These are so damn cool.
Namco Dotgraphic Figures with Sound
Fresh from Japan.
Namco Dotgraphic Figures with Sound
Some assembly required.
Namco Dotgraphic Figures with Sound
Xevious, Rally-X, Tower of Druaga.
Namco Dotgraphic Figures with Sound
Galaxian, Dig Dug and Mappy.
Namco Dotgraphic Figures with Sound
What these are is, essentially, six individual music boxes. You can move the three-dimensional characters around on their backgrounds (each character has a “peg” and can be placed in any position where there’s a hole for that peg) as you see fit. Pressing the button on the base of each scene plays a sound sample from the respective game in question – a very loud sound sample, I might add.
Namco Dotgraphic Figures with Sound
Close-ups. I love the Dotgraphic stuff; that’s the same kind of thing as the magnetic Super Mario Bros. scenes I’ve shown for the past couple of years at OVGE, and these are just as cool. I’d rather that they were magnetic as well, instead of pegs-and-holes, but you know, it’s not like I spend a huge amount of time playing around with the magnetic Mario scenes, so this’ll do nicely.
Now, the thing that makes me absolutely crazy is that box art indicates that there are two “chaser” scenes which are harder to find than these six. Knowing what Namco’s hot classic properties are, those two are almost certain to be Pac-Man and Galaga. Now I’m gonna be losing sleep until I find those two.
Would these make killer trophies for tournaments at a classic gaming shindig or what?… Read more

Critters Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines ToyBox

Olivia vs. the Daleks

So I shot some video this morning of the remote control “Darleks” in action. Hooboy. Y’know, I think I like ’em better when they’re sitting still and being quiet. They don’t have the most powerful drives in the world – they either get “redirected” or just plain stuck in the grout between my kitchen floor tiles. One of them only has one working “head light.” I made rare use of my camera’s infrared feature to try to document just what’s going on with the IR signals between the two Daleks, which is kinda cool. And…of course…Olivia stopped by.
Olivia vs. the Daleks
We just couldn’t keep away, now could we?
Olivia vs. the Daleks
Olivia sits patiently in the background of the infrared shot.
Olivia vs. the Daleks
In fact, the little stinker’s going to wind up in the photos for the finished article! Oh well, that gives it personality…
Olivia vs. the Daleks
As you can see, she’s really terrified of the little dustbins.
Also, as promised, the Hearst automated alert system – slightly edited to keep the confirmation number private:
My Boss Is Stephen Hawking
😆… Read more

Critters Home Base Should We Talk About The Weather?

Wind and/or wuthering

It’s been an insanely windy 24 hours here. We’re talking sustained 30-40mph winds (and the gusts are worse). Needless to say, my already-battered mailbox has all but been left laying in the ditch by this. The resulting temperature drop – down to around freezing – has accelerated that time of year when Xena becomes a full-time resident inside the house. Which seems to suit Olivia just fine – it means that wagging tail is always just a pounce away, in the comfort of her own home!
Shall we do promos for global thermonuclear war?
At exactly the same time tonight, everyone working for a Hearst Argyle TV station got an automated call on their home or cell phones, testing an automated “emergency response” system to be activated in the event of major emergencies or disasters; I guess it’s there to tell us if the station’s been taken out by a surgical strike (though I can’t imagine who’d want to do that now that Dancing With Or Without The Stars is over), or, more likely, to tell everyone to Report To Work Now Now Now in the event of a 9/11-scale emergency. This system was put in place after Katrina all but wiped out our sister station (and one of the oldest continuously broadcasting stations in the U.S.) WDSU last year. It sounds like the mutant love child resulting from a menage a trois between WOPR, Speak & Spell, and some Commodore 64 text-to-speech program whose name I’ve long since forgotten. It’s like getting a surprise phone call from Stephen Hawking, and he’s calling me “Early Green.” I’ll try to record it off the answering machine later in the day before I delete it, for your amusement.
Twilight Zone Standard Time
I have a small cluster of VCRs which I used for converting international videotapes to domestic formats and vice versa. (If anyone actually still requires this service in the age of DVD, give me a shout – I give good PAL conversion.) One of these VCRs has been routinely slipping into another timestream. For example: the always-accurate clock on my DVD recorder says “4:08A” (I kid you not, the thing is tuned into the atomic clock or something, because I’ve never had to set it once in 3+ years). The JVC VCR, at this moment, says “10:12A.” I’ve come home from work at two in the morning to find the VCR claiming it’s in PM time somewhere. And 12 hours or so later, with no readily apparent explanation, wham, it snaps back into real time. This would be great if I could get it to record stuff from the future, you know? I’d suddenly become an avid (and quite probably much wealthier than I am now) sports fan. Sort of like a slightly more modern version of Early Edition. Minus the yellow cat. Which is probably for the best, Olivia would chase his tail too.… Read more

Funny Stuff

On the pronunciation of UAH.

Figure 1.  Burchuss, a fiddygibber.I tried to leave this in a reply to the previous post’s comments, but the audio plugin doesn’t seem to like to be in a reply, so let’s try ’em in a post. (Sorry, Livejournal folks – plug-ins don’t translate, so you’ll have to click the link to come to the blog on my site for this to work. Trust me, it’s worth it if you’ve never heard a fiddygibber before. And I’m not sure how many among us can truly say they have.)
On pronouncing “Uah”: that’s only a very rough phonetic approximation, since it’s not even a human vocalization (!!). Here is an audio track with some amusing examples:
Fiddygibbers In The Swamp
(That’s not even really representative of what he sounded like on the show either – that tended to be much more rapid-fire – though it’s very amusing to hear the “redneck fiddygibber” and the “pathetic old fiddygibber” in there. 😆 This was recorded around 1993 or so and I don’t remember if we ever used it in anything or not. Play it over the closing shot of the monolith in the swamp in 2010: The Year We Make Contact – it puts a whole different spin on things!)
I’ll see about getting some more samples posted soon. Since you asked. (For the record, I can’t even believe I’m posting this!)… Read more

Serious Stuff ToyBox

I’m still alive, somewhat

Sorry I’ve been absent from the blawg for a few days. I’ve still been struggling with a combination of antibiotics and decongestants that tend to leave me in a slightly zombie-like state; I’ve written e-mails to people recently who wrote back and simply said “…Huh?” This week’s site update was insanely late, not because of anyone on staff – Dave and Philip got their stuff in right on the button, it was me who was dragging my ass. (They were probably wondering “Okay, I sent my stuff in…where’s the update?”) The frustrating thing is that…well, hold the phone. There are several frustrating things.

  1. I may be a zombie, but I can’t sleep the sleep of the dead. You’d think in this state it’d be easy for me to get a lot of rest and get better sooner. No such luck. I’ve wrestled several times with the possibility of taking one of the pain pills prescribed to me just to knock myself out, though I hate that idea – anyone who knows me knows I’ve got a whole medicine cabinet full of pain meds that I’ve been prescribed, but have stubbornly resisted taking.
  2. I don’t really feel like I’m getting any better. Still coughing. Still sneezing. Still a mouth-breather at the moment.
  3. I can’t take off work. I’m out of sick and vacation days, and it’s November sweeps.
  4. Short fuse. I get frustrated with stuff, sure. But this really, really, really isn’t me. I’ve ben snapping people’s heads off. And some critters too, though they seem to recover from it a bit faster, bless their little furry hearts.

At any rate, I was awake today, and took the opportunity to test a couple of recent fun acquisitions to see if that cheered me up a bit. … Read more

Serious Stuff

Various things upon various things

Now that I’ve had a bit of sleep to clear my head, I’ll do a bit of a core dump here. It’ll probably be messy. Like most any other dumps I could take.
Bowled over at the polls. I’m extremely pleased, for the most part, with how things went in the elections last night. I don’t think that a Democratic power shift in Congress is going to be an instant cure for what ails Washington; the remainder of Bush’s term ensures that. But the thing to remember about the executive, legistlative and judicial branches is that they’re supposed to be checks and balances, not necessarily joined in lockstep and not necessarily permanently gridlocked. And to give credit where it’s due, I don’t think the majority of sitting Republican senators and representatives were necessarily doing a godawful job – they just got painted with the same brush as their president, and then we had that whole shopping spree of scandals that those affected accomplished all by themselves. Congressman John Boozman (R) kept his seat for my district, and I’m okay with that. I voted for his competitor in the interests of trying to minimize gridlock, but you know, there are a lot worse guys we could have in Washington than Boozman – he’s Genuinely A Nice Guy and I kinda felt bad voting against him.
I was over the moon at getting Mike Beebe into office as Governor – honestly, I think that race was going to be dangerously close until Asa shot himself in the foot with some of the nastiest campaign advertising tactics I’ve ever seen in a lifetime in this state – and I was also very concerned with several local and county races. Of course, I’m interested in how things are going in Washington, but I had quite a vested interest in making some course changes in local government, and for the most part, that happened. I’m deeply concerned that the question that would allow “charitable bingo and lotto” in Arkansas finally seems to have passed, opening the floodgates for the inevitable vote on allowing casino gambling in the next two years. Here’s the funny thing: I tend to vote liberal on candidates, and conservative on issues and ballot questions (though not always). That may seem forehead-slappingly counterproductive on one level, but by God, when you get the chance to pass or kill a new law yourself, you’ve got to do what you feel is right. And I’m against legalizing gambling in this state for a variety of reasons. Arkansas’ economy is already tenuous enough without introducing the debt and social support issues (i.e. addiction & treatment, court caseloads for divorce, child custody, non-payment of loans, etc.) that gambling tends to bring with it. And the language on the “charitable bingo & lotto” question was very byzantine and not just a little misleading. I can see where it would work for another state, but with the local and state economy? Nope. No way. I’ll vote no every single time until I see evidence with my own eyes that it would do more good than harm.
Registered user duck-blind time here (and, for LJ, this whole thing’s going to be a friends-only post). I got an e-mail today from my brother letting me know that our stepmother called him and told him he “needs to go see Dad, soon” because his mind is “slipping.” I’m a little bit worried about this, but on the other hand, I spoke to my dad fairly recently and yes, the old thought processes are slowing down a bit – the man’s in his 80s. And my stepmother has a gift for exaggeration (among other worthless talents, such as needless hostility, lying through her teeth to try to divide the family up against each other, and the ability to hold grudges until the sun cools). If not for the fact that he’s told me himself that he regularly gets himself checked up at the VA hospital, I’d worry that maybe he’s had another stroke, maybe just a small one (and frankly, if anyone in his life can raise his blood pressure enough to put him at risk for that…well, it’s not any of the kids, so who does that leave?).
I realize that he has more days behind him than ahead of him. Heck, there are some days when I feel weird aches and pains that I’ve never felt before when I start to think I’ve got more days behind me than ahead of me. But something just smells wrong about this, like she’s about to try to pull another scam of some kind. Dad has even looked me in the eye and told me that he doesn’t trust her. The biggest tragedy of his life, frankly, is not my mother dying almost 20 years ago – it’s that he got stuck in this dead-end rat trap of a marriage with someone who, ultimately, he can’t possibly really feel any love for. If only for that, I hate to admit it, but I pray that when the time comes, he’ll pass peacefully in his sleep, sooner rather than later, and be free of it.
He and I have had our problems, mended them, and I think my dad’s a great guy and deserves so much better than he has set himself up for over the past 20 years. Quite a few friends of the family who used to tell me how much I looked like my mother now comment on how much I look (and act) like my father. And I take that as a compliment. Even when he was battling his own demons, that was a lesson for me: look at what this is doing to him, you don’t want to do this with your life. I hate that the cost of my object lessons in life was watching him go through those things, even as self-inflicted as they were. I’m not trying to aggrandize the things he used to do with his life; just pointing out that witnessing those things changed the direction of my life.
And I worry about what my stepmother will try to pull once he’s gone. I’ve actually discussed it with my wife, and the thought that the day my father dies will be the day I become a gun owner has been floated more than once. Yeah, I get along with her that well, and yeah, there’s definitely a worry that something would happen where I’d have to protect myself on that level. I mean…my dad has never seen my house, doesn’t know the directions to get there, he’s never been to visit. Because if he writes that stuff down, she’ll have it. That’s an utterly crazy way to relate to one’s sole surviving parent, and I hate it.Read more