

Earl's Avid - up and running
It lives. It breathes (loudly). It works.
Earl's Avid - up and running
Okay, okay, here’s a shot where you can actually see it.
Earl's Avid - up and running
I’m already working on a couple of things already. Would you believe I already had stuff shot so I could edit it later?
Actually, it’s not as if with one bound, Jack was free. The dongle alone still didn’t solve anything; there was a 3.5 flarpy disk marked “Updater” that I had to locate in the box o’ goodies and use, and that did the trick perfectly. (I actually didn’t know that needed to be done, I was just getting desperate at that point.)
There’s not really a good time to be sick as a dog, but this is as close to one as I’ve got. I’ve been running a fever and have been having some hellacious chills for the past 48 hours or so, so I guess I’ll just have to stay home with this puppy. Tough life, eh? Here’s the first video I’ve edited with it.
Thanks to the potent-enough-to-knock-me-on-my-ass cocktail of cold and flu meds I’m on, I had a really bizarro dream last night; it involved me having to mediate a dispute of some sort between the following characters:

  • Saul Tigh
  • House M.D.
  • Harlan Ellison

…a veritable cornucopia of irascible cranky bastards there. Sadly, I can’t remember any of it except for two things: Harlan’s main beef with the other two was that they don’t actually exist, and I didn’t get a word in edgewise until I sincerely and emphatically urged all parties to STFU. Just as well, really – if I had remembered enough to transcribe the whole thing, I’d probably charge you to look at it, because that would be some good stuff.
I’m off to lay back down for a bit, preferably surrounded by kitties.… Read more