
The mad dash to the finish line

I’m in the middle of my mad preparation action:
OVGE preparations
Boxed stuff is good. This box has balls. Trackballs, that is.
More OVGE preparations
Coleco mini-arcade goodness awaits transport.
Even more OVGE preparations
How rare is the stuff you’ll be seeing at OVGE this year, you ask? Is this rare enough for ya?
Wow, even MORE OVGE preparations!
Due to some technical difficulties with my Magnavox Odyssey, it won’t be coming to the show this year – it may be old hat to everyone else, but I always enjoy seeing it get so much playtime. Instead, my modded PS1 will appear, with the World’s Greatest PS1 Joystick, and retro arcade compilations aplenty, including many imports. Qix? Crazy Climber? 10 Yard Fight? Yeah, we got dat. The CDs on the right are imported game soundtracks – that’s what’ll be playing along with some music from the one and only Mr. Tony Fox.
By the way, I’ll have some Tony Fox CDs to sell at the show, but hit me up early – supplies are limited!
Olivia watches me pack for OVGE
This stuff is so cool, Olivia wishes she could come too.… Read more

Gaming ToyBox

Further musings on arcades and classic Star Wars toys

As a sort of post-script to this previous post, in which I held my memory upside-down, shook it hard, and watched old quarters tumble out, and while glancing through a catalog that was still stashed away in the back of one of these recently acquired Star Wars goodies, I had another memory come tumbling back into focus, reminding me of just how intertwined my memories of old toys and old video games are.
Earl's Kickman machine - yes, I know it just says KickI remembered my tenth birthday, July 1982, with great clarity. Unbeknownst to me, my mom had been stockpiling Star Wars goodies for quite a while, getting what she could when she could, and was getting ready to foist all of ’em on me at once. But she needed me out of the house for this. The solution? She had my older brother drag me down to the arcade for a while – a long while. We were there for at least a couple of hours, so I’m assuming he was buying some gift-wrapping time. I distinctly remember playing Star Trek and Kickman aplenty during this sortie, which may subconsciously be the reason that one of the latter is sitting behind me right now as I type this. Shawn kept shoveling quarters into my hands, and we were actually there long enough for me to get a little bit bored with it. (Me? Bored? In an arcade? I must’ve been running a fever.) … Read more


It’s not over yet, Princess.

Olivia snoozesThe princess here is greatly relieved – and completely exhausted, which I’m sure you’ll find understandable, after her recent escape from the Death Star.
That’s right – the second box of Star Wars goodies has arrived. This one contained only two items…but these, which were also represented in my original collection, are what you might call the biggies. … Read more

Funny Stuff

…and Freud said, “Can I buy ze Colecovision from you?”

So I had a dream this morning. I dreamed that it was Saturday morning, I was getting ready for OVGE, and I had proceeded to sleep the hell in. I dreamed that I was slamming my stuff together to go pick up Kent (why hadn’t he called!?) and then a simple flip of a light switch caused a flash and a tendril of very worrying smoke. I dreamed that closer investigation of the switch revealed that there were little bugs burrowing into the wood of my house – all of the wood. I called an exterminator, who hastily told me that this was some new breed of mega-termites, and they literally appeared overnight all over the country, maybe some bioengineered terrorist plot.
A section of my kitchen wall neatly fell away into the back yard. I swear, if it’s not one goddamn thing with this house, it’s another.
Then I woke up. Now keep two of the basic parts of that dream’s premise in mind: Saturday. OVGE. Overslept. 8:15am.
I sat bolt upright and broke out in a sweat. It’ll be at least 10:30 before I can get there. My God, I’m going to be setting up in the middle of the damned show! Why hadn’t Kent called!?
Then I realized: it’s only Wednesday. I’m on vacation. Days to go before the show. Relax. I laid back down at about the time Olivia pounced on me. Har de har har, I thought, this’ll make a cute blog entry.
Then I realized something else: I’m supposed to feed horses this morning. If it’s not one thing…….
Gotta go. Wait a minute, do they even have termites in the middle east?!? Arrrrrrggghhh.… Read more

Funny Stuff

At least I had some form of pants on.

So I’m still eagerly awaiting the second box of the great Star Wars Haul of 2006, and there ws a knock on the door this morning not long after I woke up. The first order of business before opening any door in this house is to Secure The Kitten, for she is mischief incarnate on four little furry legs and is curious as, well, a cat. So I grabbed some shorts and got them on, grabbed Olivia, and then opened the door.
Now, let me just say that, for folks who are in the business of either saving your soul or informing you that your soul needs urgent saving, it seems like the sight of a barefoot guy wearing khaki shorts and not much else, and brandishing a squirming kitten who looked like she was kickboxing the air, seemed to scare off a couple of perfectly good Jehovah’s Witnesses in very short order. Or maybe it was me saying, “And here I was hoping for the Death Star.” All of that stuff rolled up together seems like it should almost be indicative of someone who really needs some help. 😆 But leave they did.
Just gotta survive tonight at work and then I can relax, rest, and get ready for OVGE. The table layout can now be seen here, and I’ll be hawking some wares such as Doctor Who CDs, assorted DVDs and maybe even a game or two. Plus you can drop by and play with a real live Magnavox Odyssey, Altair 8800 or Atari Video Music – now how cool is that?… Read more


And just when I needed to feel young again too.

Star Wars Haul '06Our story begins in 1978, when Kenner put Star Wars toys on the market. I had already been Star Wars-obsessed for over a year before I spotted the first such item, which as I remember was an R2-D2 figure spotted in the Service Merchandise store in Central Mall in Fort Smith. My mother had hauled me there because she needed to pick something else up; when I waited patiently in the toy aisle for her to return – this was 1978, when you could actually leave your kids in the toy aisle and have a reasonable expectation that you could still find them there when you returned – clutching the newfound R2-D2. I was either six, or rapidly approaxing six, years old. I think my mom knew then and there that she was in trouble.
Our next story begins in 2000, when I moved back to Arkansas from my cavernous apartment in Green Bay, and I had to put a bunch of stuff into a self-storage unit, whose owners seemed to pride themselves on how secure it was. The apartment was just too small, I had no choice, but I was very, very reluctant to put my fleet of well-worn plastic spaceships under someone else’s lock and key. I’d go and check on the stuff in there every month whenever I went by to pay the rent on the unit. In late June 2000, about a week or so before my wedding, I went by, dropped off the check at the office, and went to check my unit…and found that my key didn’t fit the lock. Maybe it was because it wasn’t the same lock I had put on there. I went back to the office and asked them to come take a look at it. They handed me the bolt cutters and told me that if anyone was going to break the lock, it’d have to be me, so I cut the lock off of the door and opened it up, and it was pretty obvious that I had been robbed.
Very selectively robbed, mind you – four massive tupperware tubs containing virtually all of my Star Wars and Star Trek vehicles were gone, as was my old stereo amp and a little B&W TV. We’re talking the old-school 70s and early 80s Star Wars stuff too – not the reprints which were showing up by that time. My figures weren’t in that storage unit – I annoyed the heck out of my bride-to-be by refusing to put those in self-storage – but in one shot I had lost just about my entire collection of ships, with the only exceptions being my Playmates Star Trek 1701 and 1701-D models, which were on display at the apartment. As for the old amp, it was in storage for a reason: I had replaced it, primarily because, before my cats were fixed, one of them had perched on top of the nice warm amp……..and peed into the ventilation grill on the top surface. If that thing warmed up and got cooking, it reactivated that smell quite nicely.
I’ve always imagined that the rather selective thieves, who – given the layout and controlled access of the place – had to be either renters of another unit or the proprietors of the place, got home with their loot, switched on the amp, got some music going, started putting my huge collection of sci-fi wares on eBay…and then had their house filled with the smell of heated cat piss within about 20 minutes. Let’s just refer to that hypothetical incident as “Iago’s Revenge.”
Our last story begins earlier this year, when Dave let me know that an ex-roommate of his from college was unloading his Star Wars toy collection, consisting mainly of ships and playsets. The cost: nothing – he was looking to find them a good home where they’d be appreciated – though I do need to reimburse Dave for the shipping.
What the heck?, I figured. Even if they ships aren’t in great shape, that probably makes them about even with the ones I used to have. As it turns out, I was about to get the sweet end of the bargain. … Read more

Television & Movies

Countdown To Looking Glass

Countdown To Looking GlassYa know, it seems like me and about six other people in the world remember this movie. It was a shot-mostly-on-video HBO production, made in Canada and aired in 1984, depicting a series of live news broadcasts about a series of events leading to the first exchange of nuclear weapons between the United States and the Soviet Union – an exchange taking place in, of all locales, the mouth of the Persian Gulf.
I remember seeing this movie played late one Saturday night, after an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, on KHBS (ironically, the station I now work for), in 1988 or so. As I was already taping Star Trek, I wound up taping this is well, though something later happened to that tape and it’s long since gone; in any case, it was broken up by commercial breaks in a way that I don’t think, even today, live breaking news of this magnitude ever would be, to say nothing of the constant crawling disclaimer at the bottom that THIS IS ONLY A MOVIE.
The thing is, unlike another “fake newscast” scare favorite of mine, Without Warning,, the fact that it was a movie was blatantly obvious. For whatever reason, the writers and producers decided to go “behind the scenes” and show some personal drama in the newsroom – big whoop. To emphasize the change, these segments were shot on film, giving the whole thing a bizarrely BBC-esque feel (as in Monty Python’s “We’re on feeeeelm suddenly!!”) for something made in North America.
Still, toward the end, it’s got that same great zinger as Without Warning – i.e. showing you all hell breaking loose and then cutting to a faked Emergency Broadcast System signal. Supposedly, Countdown To Looking Glass was based on a real military study of a possible scenario for the opening volleys of WWIII, and the appearance of then-familiar newsies Eric Sevareid and Nancy Dickerson lent it just a little bit of the reality of which that the filmed “drama” segments persistently robbed the proceedings. … Read more

Home Base Television & Movies

In print.

You know, seeing my name printed, in someone else’s ink, on someone else’s dime, simply does not get old*.
Boarding The Enterprise
It’s a pretty good book overall – expect a full review soon in the book review section. Hopefully that’s not too much of a conflict of interests – I was asked to be a “fact checker” on the book earlier this year, making sure that there weren’t any glaring Star Trek mythology/historical errors that would make the essayists look like they didn’t know what they were talking about. (I found the idea that I was going to be fact-checking David Gerrold, D.C. Fontana, Eric Greene and Norman Spinrad enormously amusing.) I generally like the SmartPop books, and I think this one, personal bias aside, is my favorite to date. And of course – tell me you didn’t see this one coming – you can pick it up in Store.
* = unless it’s the police reports or obits in the paper.… Read more