We’ll keep pluggin’ ’em ’till we get the right guy.

But I kid the men in blue. Here‘s a link to a breaking news story that we’re working tonight at the station; all joking aside, there’ll be a hell of a lot of questions for the authorities on this one. I’m sure they had only the best intentions of protecting the public in the incident where they shot and killed the wrong man this morning, but…that doesn’t change the fact that he was the wrong man. I don’t know what I would’ve done in the same situation. Methinks this story is going to be hanging around for a few days and/or weeks. At the very least.
In other work-related news, due to a flood of attempted spam comments, I have had to close off the comment feature in my work blog, which is unfortunate; I had hoped to create an atmosphere there where other people in “the biz” could exchange ideas, but apparently the people marketing Viagra had other ideas. We’ve also had a recent flood of spam in comments and shoutboxes on the Digital Press blogs, which has folks up in arms. I think my friend Paul said it best: is comment-spamming a blog with Viagra crap actually having any effectiveness as a marketing tool? How is this even worth someone’s time? Further ammo for my own argument that spam is becoming less about marketing, and more about random disruptive harrassment, and should be dealt with as such.
There’s an article in the New York Times on the upcoming U.S. premiere of Doctor Who, and the writer seems to focus almost obsessively on the fact that showrunner Russell T. Davies, without whom we wouldn’t even be seeing this new series, is gay, along with a certain segment of the show’s fan base. (Actually, the “gay male Doctor Who fan” is almost a bit of a foregone-conclusion stereotype in British pop culture, sort of like the American assumption that diehard Star Trek fans can’t get a date to save their lives. There’s some grain of truth to these, I suppose, but mainly because I don’t think my wife would really approve of me going on a date without her. 😛 ) I guess I’m just chuckling at the fact that more has been written about Davies’ orientation in that one NYT article than I think the entire collected British press cranked out when Davies’ revival of Doctor Who was first announced. That issue seemed to be a blip on the UK press radar for all of about 3 seconds. [shrug]
I’d be in a better position to staunchly defend the masculinity of male Doctor Who fans if I didn’t get a fresh box of action figures in from across the pond this morning, including the rare “Regeneration Set” with both the ninth and tenth Doctors in. Though the Eccleston figure’s ears are far too small – that man has some very prominent ears. 😆 Plastic just doesn’t do ’em justice!

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  1. 1

    Bummer about the spam hits. My DP blog got hit briefly too. Now only registered DP users will be able to post on my blog (I seriously doubt that would impact anything).
    V!agra! sEx0peration she-males g3t new s0ftw4re ch33p!

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