
You did it! Damn you all to hell, you finally did it!

Is that Atari Video Music playing Freedom Rock, man?  Yeah, man!  Well TURN IT UP, MAN!Someone had to do it, so it might as well be me. In a mad bit of improvisation that I did while I was doing some other necessary rewiring of my A/V/game setup, I hooked things up so my Atari Video Music would respond to the audio coming from…well…whatever game console I happen to be playing. That’s right: if I’m playing Ram It! on my trusty Atari 2600, the Atari Video Music will respond to the game’s sounds. Or to anything I’m playing on the Odyssey2. Or the Intellivision. Or the Apple II. Or the Playstation 2. The Video Music is taking its audio output from a sound mixer which I have also split the output of my CD changer to, so you can get some Flock Of Seagulls going while you’re playing, and hear everything in surround sound.
Why anyone would do this, I have no idea.
My next project: to buy a little microphone to hide somewhere in the room so the Video Music will respond to, well, any sound that anyone makes anywhere. If you’re wondering how once could see its output while someone’s playing a game, that’s easy – Video Music has its own screen (i.e. the, erm, not-exactly-cosmetically-pleasing LCD flatscreen I bought just before this year’s OVGE). So you can, in fact, sit in my game room and get pixels chucked at you from all directions.… Read more