Funny Stuff

Class of ’90 Reunion: Now

Left to right: Odis Pilgrim, Carl Martinous and myself staked out our old haunt – sitting on the attendance office bench, waiting for Mr. Fenter to exact his unique brand of justice. Oddly enough, Glen never showed up. Odis and I would’ve gotten detention for losing all our hair. (And before anyone says I never wound up on this bench…think again! And think back to a little incident with Odis, me, and a morning announcement for the interminable journalism candy sales…)
Odis is down with DSC
Since Fenter didn’t show, Odis went to DSC anyway.
Oh, yeah, riiiight!
Yeah, right!
Left to right: Stacey Irish, Odis Pilgrim and Carl Martinous in the attendance office. Seem a little unlikely? Think again – note Stacey’s not on “the bench!”
Something you don't see every day
Another unlikely sight – Stacey Irish and Jason Campbell…in DSC!?
Roof, roof, oh roof.
Three…hey, isn’t that a mystic number?
Left to right: Ajay Patel, myself and Jason Campbell – the only survivors of Pat Werner’s AP English class to make it to the final reunion event. I’m sure there’s some significance to that number…Read more